Operation Jack: Part 1

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Miko's Pov:

We were all at the Groundbridge getting ready to depart, I was in my apex armour giving Raf to Bulk

"Autobots... and humans. Transform and roll out!" Optimus said. They all transformed and I clutched the top of Bumblebee because I couldn't transform.

We were in the desert part of Jasper, Nevada. The bots and Raf hid behind some rocks getting ready to pounce. I was in the middle of the rocks with nothing to cover me because I was... bait. I decided to call the pizza company to see if Megatron would get my signal. I bashed in the number. 

"Hi, I want a pepperoni pizza with pineapple and chilli sauce oh and don't forget the mint?" I said absent-mindedly,

Just then a Groundbridge opened. "Sorry got to go, the police are on to me" I snickered ending the call.

"Well if it isn't Bumblebee's pet," Starscream laughed, I quietly look over at Bee, he looked offended.

"Well don't you look pretty in your femme high heels" I sneered,

"For the last time in your life, I AM NOT A FEMME!" Starscream raged, before shooting at me. Optimus nearly got up but Arcee held him down. I quickly dodged with ease and gave him a sassy look before "walking off" aka meaning I'm pretending. He grabbed me from behind and put me over his shoulder, even though I'm taller than him. I started hitting him on the back with my fist telling him to put me down, but of course, he didn't. I winked at the other before entering the Groundbridge.

Shortly after I entered the others entered too. Optimus grabbed Starscream's head and banged it against the wall, where he fainted. I got up and went to help the other, "Are you okay Miko?" Optimus asked,

"I would feel better if Jack was here but, yeah I do feel better," I admitted.

We were walking around when we heard something in the next room, "You are such a weird creature, Human" we heard a voice say,

"Oh yeah, well if Optimus was here, he would scrap you and leave you in a rusty scrapyard so you don't die in peace," Someone else (possibly Jack) said.

Then we heard an angry roar and someone scream in pain...

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