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I walked behind Bee as we entered the main part of the base,

"Guys guess who I found!" Bee exclaimed revealing me,

"By the Allspark!" Bulkhead exclaimed everyone else stared at me,

Ratchet began explaining everything to them, they stood there listening. 

"Well if your Miko show us," Arcee urged, I transformed into my human form and I heard several gasps,

"Well it seems the old field medic did well, yet again," Optimus commented, I stare at him with my jaw hanging down,

"You knew about this!" Arcee said like she was reading my mind,

"I did indeed," OP admitted, "However we must not tell Jack or Rafael because it will put them be at risk. Bellabee or Miko you shall go on a solo mission and pretend met us on the scene, or the Decepticons will know we are up to something." He said,

"Does that mean I can go on missions?" I exclaimed,

"Indeed," Optimus said,

"Sweet!" I burst out. A green light started to flash,

"Decepticon activity," Ratchet said calmly,

"Bellabee you will go in first, after 10 minutes we will come," Optimus said,

"WHAT! 10 minutes alone with Decepticons?!" I shuddered, "Wait will Starscream be there, I need to punch some debris into him?"

"I do not know, however, be careful," Optimus said,

"Okay, lets go," I said as Ratchet pulled the lever for the Groundbridge.

I entered a desert like area, boy why is Jasper surrounded by endless amounts of desert? I was standing behind a rock and decided to peek around it when I saw Starscream bossing around his comrades,

"You there, grab that Energon!" Starscream shouted as he threw a rock at a vehicons head, 'mental note to self never get on his bad side'. I stared at him kinda disgusted, let's hope I have the skills of Bellabee, wait shouldn't it be let's hope I have the skills of me? Oh, who cares! I stepped out from behind the rock, "Well if it isn't Starscream" I snickered, He turned to face me,

"B-but how I destroyed you into oblivion!" he said shocked while walking backwards,

"You shouldn't underestimate me!" I said jumping down, and walking to him, "Such a shame, your sister always wanted you to be destroyed," I smirked,

"What! I'll have you know I extinguished an Autobot... the one they call Cliffjumper" He said trying to act bravely as I transformed my servos into blasters, "Ah! I'll also have you know Lord Megatron ripped out your brother's voicebox as soon as you left!" he whimpered,

"And you think I don't know about that, trust me, I bet you he's plotting a plan to offline you and that Megatron glitch" I sneered, he gasped as I put a blaster to his head and shot. He dodged every single blast hit at him. Suddenly, all the vehicons started shooting at me from different angles. I dodged every single one effortlessly too while shooting Starscream.

"Is this how you play Screamy, you let others do your dirty work!" I said with a smug face.

"Everyone stop! Defend other areas!" he bellowed, "Who knows if the Autobots have found us yet,

"Autobots. Tell me where they are?" I roared,

"Never!" he mumbled as I punched him in the face. We were so in fight zone I hadn't realised the others had come...

Bee Pov:

She may be Miko but she has the exact mind of my twin. She kicked, she punched, she dodged, she fired, she shoved, she broke and she definitely left marks.

"She is a one femme wrecking machine!" Bulk stated Smokey nodded in approval. Optimus charged at the vehicons with me and 'Cee behind. Bulk and Smokey were behind us getting ready to gather the Energon.

"Everyone return to base" Starscream screamed.

"You are not gonna leave Screamy!" Bee said, "Not! Without. A. Fight!"

The Decepticons ran as fast as they could,

"Although it is foolish to engage the enemy alone, you have done well. You will be a great addition to the team...Miko!" Optimus said after much thought,

"Please, call me Bellabee" she beamed at me, happily!  

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