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I woke up feeling miserable, I was aching all over, but something seemed wrong. It was quiet. Too quiet. I walked up to my closet and grabbed a hoodie a t-shirt and some shorts and put them on. I then left my room, that Agent Fowler lent to me so I could stay at the base. As I walked into the main part of the hanger I suddenly realised something. It was dark. Pitch black. You probably couldn't see anything even if you ate those carrots. "Hello," I called out.

"SURPRISE!!" loads of voice shouted as the lights turned on. There were multiple Balloons and streamers everywhere and in the middle of the rom=om was a massive banner saying 'Happy Birthday Miko'

I had totally forgotten it was my birthday... well silly me. 'Bee picked me up and place me on the table where there was a massive cake, bot size, with a massive candle in the middle with the top flame resembling a bonfire. They started singing the happy birthday song while I was struggling to blow out the candle. But I blew it out eventually with help of Smokescreen.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~

Me, Jack, Raf and the bots were going to go racing as a special present. Optimus said he was going to be at the finish line since primes don't party; Ultra Magnus decided to go to Cybertron and finish repairs and stuff, Shoulderpads really can't stand racing but can stand 'cons. The racing track was going through the desert, then through a Spacebridge that would lead us to Cybertron where we then have to race to the sea of rust enter another spacebridge to come back to our Earth base, yeah I know a pretty big race. 

"Are your engines ready" Ratchet called from the sidelines.

The bots honked their horns.

"On your marks... Get set... GO!" Ratchet roared.

Jack and Arcee were in the lead until me and Bumblebee overtook, "Slowpokes" I screamed in Jack's face before we sped off. Just as we were closing in on the first Spacebridge bulkhead overtook as went through. "Awww man, go faster, dude!" I yelled.

We entered zooming straight to the Sea of Rust. But then something felt wrong. "Where's Arcee?" I questioned, still as soon as I said that Arcee and Jack jumped over our heads and overtook us, "Nevermind." I said rolling my eyes.

"I know a shortcut." 'Bee said,

"Well go already," I said,

"Sometimes I really don't get," Bee said

"I'll take that as a compliment," I said.

 We both continued talking and laughing finding our selves in lead. However, before we could go through a blast came and hit bumblebee making him swerve off the track. 

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