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I grabbed the Apex armour that was in the back seat, jumped out of Bumblebee and "transformed" more like pressing a button and getting a suit put around me. I changed my arms to blasted as did Bumblebee. We were back to back looking for 'cons either side, a blue bot appeared, looking out from the side of a building. I started shooting at it while 'Bee shot another. We continued shooting until one of the bot shot 'Bee's arm which now had smoke coming from it. The two other bots gasped as 'Bee fell to the ground Clutching his arm.

"'Bee we are so, so sorry," one bot said,

"Yeah, we didn't mean for you to get hit... Twice," the other bot said,

They started to walk towards us but I couldn't see who they were, so I pointed my blasters at them.

"Who are you?" I asked getting rather frustrated,

"It's us" as Arcee and Bulkhead started to come closer, I stare at them dumbfounded when Bumblebee speaks, "What in Primus' name were you thinking?"

Arcee speaks looking very guilty, "We wanted to win the race so Jack and I created a plan of me pretending to be a 'con while jack slipped through the portal unnoticed, but I guess bulk had the same idea"

Me and 'Bee give bulk and 'Cee our worst death stares but we don't notice Optimus coming through the portal.

"Is everything alright?" Optimus asked looking concerningly at 'Bee,

"Yeah, we decided to play a prank on 'Bee to win but it ended... with unintentional injuries."

"I am very disappointed in you two for doing that, but for now please help Bumblebee to get back to base."

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