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I woke up with a start. Something wasn't right. I sat up in the berth and looked up... I felt taller... and stronger? I got up realising I was taller, I looked down... yep the floor was so far away. What's wrong with me? What did Ratchet do? I look at my hands, or what were my hands. My "hands" looked like Bee's hand... wait what if I am him? Ahh, help me! 

I went to a mirror that was in the room... OMG, I looked like Bee but more... femme. I looked like Bee's old form before he got a paint job. I stared at myself so hard my eyes or rather optics could have fallen out. Ratchet walked in,

"I see you have awoken Miko," he said,

"Who's Miko?" I joked, he looked at me bewildered, "Kidding! But what in the Allspark have you done to me?",

"Your leg was very badly broken so I had to do something. So while I was researching about the relics I found Bee's sister's spark in it," I gasped,

"How thou'" I said shocked,

"I don't know I just loaded up the data files to the computer and found it. But anyway I put a piece of the spark in your heart so you are now Cybertronian as well as human. And if your Cybertronian form dies you still have your human form to live. However, I advise you stay in your Cybertronian state or it will die along with your human form" now it was my turn to stare at him bewildered,

"Again, however, you can use your human form, but don't use it too much. And since the spark is 100% real you will have all of Bellabee's memories,"

"Wow Ratch, you are da best!" I say giving him a hug,

"Yip, yip, yip could you please get off me an-" he started,

"Does that mean I can transform? Do I have Blasters? Can I call myself Bee?" I started when I was like, "Wait i'm gonna transform!" as I transformed into Bee's old car mode, "How come's I'm not in the car?"

"Your not in the car because you are the car, your like one of us," he said,

"So if I transform from a human to bot mode I will have weird metal pieces coming out of my back, even though I'm not made of metal," I said,

"Kind of, you could be known as a human with superpowers," Ratch said rolling his optics,

"Sweet, I'm gonna go racing against Smokescreen..." I trailed off,

"No, your first task is I'm going to show you to Bee and I very much want to see his reaction," Ratchet said with a smirk,

"Woah! I didn't even know you knew what a prank was!" I said,

"Bumblebee I need you urgently at medical bay," he said into the comlink,

"Does that mean I have a com, too?" I asked he nodded his head, "Sweet!".

I went back and sat on the bed again and waited, Ratch went out to greet Bee but I could hear what they were saying.

"Did something happen to Miko?" he asked hurriedly,

"Unfortunately without June's help, our fellow ally has died, however, there is something that might lighten up your mood," Ratchet said, with a hint of sarcasm. Bee walked in looking dull as ever until he saw me,

"Hi, Bee!" I said cheerily,

"B-Bee!" he stuttered baffled, "B-but how you offlined!",

"Ratchet brought me back from the dead!" I said,

"Dark energon?" he asked still dazed,

"Nope," I replied,

"It doesn't matter, do you know how you offlined?" he asked, I search through my memory,

"I was on the ship with Starblaze we were talking until she told me she was Decepticon, I raced outside and was stood on the upper deck of our ship. That was until I saw 'cons coming! I stood my ground waiting for them to hit, but the only hit came behind from Starblaze. I turned around and faced her and she said, 'You shouldn't mess with me Autobot' I turned around to face my other opponents; Starblaze's brother Starscream he said, 'Well, well, well if it isn't the bug's sister Bellabee' I stared at him until I said you weren't a bug he was. He looked at me infuriated and planted the Spark extractor onto the ship. The 'cons left me and I couldn't even get off the ship because I could only transform into a car and couldn't go that far. In the end, my Spark was extracted, and Starscream wait till I do what he did to me. He planted a grenade beside me which destroyed me completely." I said Kinda frustratedly.

"Wow, I swear i'm gonna offline Starscream with you," he said staring at me, "Did you by any chance know a girl called Miko?" he asked sadly,

"Do I know her?" I said transforming into my human self, he looked at me sadly, astonished and with pleading eyes,

"But Ratchet said-, does that mean that story was fake?" he asked with the most depressed face I have ever seen,

"Nope, they were your sis's memories," he looked up interested as Doc told him, what he told me.

"Wow, so your my sister and friend!" he beamed at me,

"Yup!" I said,

"At least I'm not alone anymore," he said smiling, "Wait till the others see you... Bee"

I had totally forgotten about the others! What would they say... 

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