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I stare at him creepily, as he made his way over to me, "You know I do love racing too, why didn't you tell me?" he scoffed, I slapped him in the face so hard he stumbled back, "Hey! What was that for!" He whined while he was still dazed I decided to get as much off his beloved paint off, meaning punching time! I punched and punched removing as much paint as I could, "THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T MESS WITH ME DECEPTICON!" I screamed as I rammed into him.

Bee's Pov:

"This is why you don't mess with me Decepticon!" I heard Miko shout,

"AH! Please, anything but the paint" someone screamed,

"Seems like Miko's fighting a Decepticon... and she's owning it!" I chuckled,

"Sounds like that scream is coming from Knockout, I would know his scream anywhere!" Smokey shuddered,

"Smokescreen you recognise people's screams... weird" Bulk Replied,

"Say you," he laughed.

As we rounded the corner we saw Miko and Knockout in heavy battle mode, Miko was blasting at Knockout as he deflected the shot, he missed a shot and it hit him in the helm he screamed in frustration, Miko turned her head for a split second to look at as but before she could wave she was tackled to the ground, with a saw at her throat. "MIKO, NO!" I scream, making myself go faster than anybody has seen me.

"Poor little Decepticon came to kill an Autobot but their human friend came and killed him first" she sang-said, saying the last part angrier, she kicked her legs up hitting Knockout in the head; he stumbled backwards and fell. Knockout jumped up and fled the scene when he saw us coming. "Are you okay?" I asked Miko as I raced over to her,

"Yep. There's nothing I can't handle!" she smirked,

I sighed, "How'd he even get here?",

"Duh, how are we supposed to know?" Smokey said,

"How 'bout we go back to base and play a racing video game?" Miko suggested,

"At least we're still racing," Smokey muttered,

"Woah! And that's coming from you Smokescreen!" Bulk exclaimed,

"Ratchet send us a Groundbridge," I said and waited.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Miko's Pov:

Jack woke up about an hour ago and was telling us how the Decepticons want to know where our Cybertronian base, but he denied every kind of threat thrown at him. Arcee had also lightened up and was talking to him and us as if the last few days never happened. Then June came and I swear to Primus she would have told Jack that he couldn't stay with us after what happened, but she went all sweet and nice... ew. Yet at least we were all reunited and happy... maybe some of us were happy...   

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