Operation Jack: Part 2

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I stumbled back in surprise, at the noise, and trip over a dead Decepticon. "Are you okay Miko?" Bee asked I gave him a thumbs up. 

"Did you hear something Shockwave?" a voice asked,

"Yes Lord Megatron," presumably Shockwave replied,

We heard a loud thumping noise headed our way. Then out through the doors came... MEGATRON.

"Ah, Optimus Prime what a pleasant surprise," he said, "I see you brought your fellow Autobots with you!" he said through gritted teeth, then he sees me and laughs, "I see you brought your human pet as well. Oh, that reminds me, our pet is looki-"

I slapped him across the face making him hit the wall, "Don't ever talk about my friends like that!" I screamed, he justed laughed. "I thought you knew the meaning of oppression!" I said through gritted teeth. 

"Miko, don't aggravate him!" Bulkhead said.

Jack's Pov:

I was tied up with metal chains around my wrist, if I were to fall I would die. I ached all over from multiple cuts and bruises. The was a massive commotion going on outside it sounded like Miko was out there but I keep thinking every Decepticon is the Autobot.

"What's g-going on?" I asked Shockwave weakly,

"The Autobots are here to save you" he replied, I laughed quietly,

"But I've got a plan" He spits back.

As I wait patiently for his plan to take place the Autobots come in along with Miko and Raf. They tried to gasp quietly, but they can't.

"No..." 'Cee says,

"What did you do to him!!!!" Miko Screamed,

"Stay back or else!" Shockwave says holding up and energon stick,

"You sound like Starscream," Miko said calmly, even though I could tell she was scared.

"That seems highly illogical, but..." Shockwave said before he prodded me with the engergon stick...

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