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~~~A couple of days later~~~

"I think I might go on a drive with Arcee", Jack said,

"Alright, anyone wants to join us?" Arcee said,

"Nah," I and 'Bee said in unison.

"See you later then!", Jack said as they headed off.

I went down to mine and 'Bee's secret hideout aka the basement. "So then what's up, you seem... down?" I asked,

"Ummm... it's Arcee, she seems to be avoiding me since the incident, and then there's Bulk who really is trying to make it up and... it worked. But Arcee she's too stubborn to listen to anyone, I bet you she hates me." Bee said looking down.

"No, she doesn't, you're like her best friend. Dude, you just have to wait for her to say sorry or somethin'" I said,

"But I've just missed that chance, she asked us to go driving," he replied quietly,

I look down at my feet, "You're right she did ask us that." I whisper bearly audible. The silence was now taking over the basement. "Do you want me to ask her why she mad or sad or both?" I say,

"Maybe," he says looking up sadly.

~~~2 hours later~~~

We were now on the ground floor of the base waiting for Arcee and Jack to come through the Groundbridge. "Arcee seems to be at 36% health" Ratchet commented. Me and Bee exchanged glances. Arcee came through first, clutching the side of her stomach. But she didn't make it through, instead, she yelped in pain before fainting. Oh and Jack he never came through. "A-A-Arcee!" Bee screamed at his best friend.

"She's losing energon to fast, quickly get her to the medical bay... Yip, yip, yip shes at 20%" Ratchet said saying the last bit quieter. We got her to the med bay as Doc bot worked his magic.

~~~1 hour later~~~

"She should wake up later, but where is Jack?" the Doc questioned,

"How are we supposed to know ask the 'Cee... when she wakes up," I said,

"What if he's in trouble?" asked Raf,

"I agree with Rafael he could be in trouble," Optimus said.

I stare up at the ceiling how could they both be gone, yet here?


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