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Really... after everything he has done; does he really think I like him back? Sometimes I wish I never existed, too be fair I never did for the last few eons. Why can't I go back to being Miko... the rock, punk girl? Oh, wait how could I forget, it will kill my Cybertronian side and Bee will never talk to me again.

I was deep in thought when Bee came,

"So what'd it say?" he asked, I gave the letter to him. His eyes widened as he read it,

"How bad do you think it is?" I asked,

"Not that bad... wait he likes you... oh wow."

"I can't cope with this I could literally dig a hole and hide in it" I muttered,

"Look... I'll tell him he... needs to wait, Ok?" he said,

"Okay," I beamed, "I'm glad to have a brother like you."

He looked at me, "Thanks!" he said slightly embarrassed.

~~~Days later~~~

I was running away from Megatron in a forest. It was raining and there was thunder and lighting... such a coincidence. I lost him so I stopped and looked around. Where was I? How did I get here? Suddenly, someone cut my side, "ARGH!" I said painfully,

"HA HA. It's so funny when you're in pain!" Starscream sniggered, I punched him in the face before taking off again. I reached a clearing surrounded by tree, in the middle of the clearing was everybody else. Megatron appeared from nowhere,

"Optimus Prime, such a coincidence that we are in the same place!" He laughed,

"Megatron this ends now!" OP shouted as he shot, Megatron dodged easily and shot at Optimus. He fell to the floor with a pool of energon surrounding him... his Spark chamber obliterated.

"OPTIMUS" everyone shouted, Megatron shot everyone in the Spark chamber 1 by 1. Bee being the last one standing,

"Ah, Bumblebee" he laughed, "I took your voicebox, now make it your Spark!" He shouted. Bee fell to the floor,

"NO!" I shouted,

"I know your here Bellabee, come and join your fellow comrades or be the coward you are" he sniggered, I stepped out from the bush I was hiding behind,

"MEGATRON, THIS IS OVER NOW!" I shouted. We were hard at battle when he somehow flipped me over his shoulder and sent me flying, I hit a tree. Darkness was taking over me but I remained alert. I saw Megatron walk towards me,

"No, this over now," he said quoting my words, he pointed his blaster at me,

"No..." I said weakly, he shot...

I woke up from my recharge panting... it wasn't real. I was breathing a little too loud and Bee stirred in his recharge. Before waking up,

"Bee, what are you doing up?" He yawned tiredly,

"Nightmare" I muttered as tears blurred my vision as the realisation of what just happened. Two servos wrapped around me in a hug,

"It's okay... Do you want to tell me what happened?" Bee asked. I started telling him what happened and by the end of it, I was crying in his chestplates as I dozed off.

I woke up feeling really tired and realised I missed my patrol. I slammed opened the door and walked out my shoulders slumped down,

"You okay Bee?" 'Cee asked,

"Tired," I muttered,

"Not just you, other Bee hasn't woken up either," She said sarcastically,

"Really, he wasn't in our room when I left" this caught everyone's attention,

"Ratchet, find Bumblebee," Optimus said,

"Found him he is on Cybertron... at Tyger Pax," Ratch said,

"WHAT! Isn't that where he lost his voicebox" 'Cee asked, Optimus nodded.

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus shouted over a buzz, "What is that, Ratchet?"

"A live message from Fowler," Ratch replied as he turned it on,

"Prime! What is Bumblebee doing blocking traffic in the middle of the road?" he shouted,

"I do not know, however that is not Bumblebee. Our Bumblebee is on Cybertron," OP replied,

"Take a look at the news," Fowler said as Jack turned on the T.V.

'Warning! Yellow car with black stripes and unknown make is blocking traffic in different parts of the world' the T.V rambled on,

"What in Primus is going on?" I said rather confused. This day just got a whole lot weirder...


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