...But Not Believing

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Miko's Pov: 

I was walking around base absolutely clueless of what I was doing. The nightmares I had only got worse and I had to sleep in human form, to get away from them. But sometimes I kept seeing things that weren't there; I asked Raf about it and he said I was hallucinating, I just laughed at him like he was the crazy one. I decided to go to my host parents house to grab some of my stuff since I never got to get it. I told Ratchet some coordinates and head off.

I stood outside the house a little surprised, it looked new, it had a weird door instead of the old one and there was a Ferrari in the driveway. The lights were on meaning someone was inside, I was about to knock on the door when I realised Agent Fowler had told by Parents and Host Parents I had died. Oh well, they would freak if they found a zombie at their door! Hesitantly, I knocked on the door and waited. Soon enough a girl a little older than me answered the door,

"Hello?" she said,

"Hiya!" I exclaimed,

"Er... Do I know you" she asked,

"No, I used to live here... the name's Miko," I replied,

"No, you don't she died... and my name is Victoria," she muttered,

"Can you at least get my host parents?" I pleaded,

"No! I don't know who you are but just go away!" she screamed angrily,

"What is going on?" a new voice said,

"Hiya!" I exclaimed sarcastically,

"Miko? B-b-but you died?" my host dad said,

"Woah! Calm down I just came to get my stuff! I just moved in with a better family! Okay? Nothing too special... Geez" I muttered,

"Why weren't we informed?" He said in disbelief,

"Because your a nuisance" I half muttered and sniggered, he sighed,

"Get your stuff and get out, my new foster daughter is better than you," he muttered,

"What?! Her... Ew!" I exclaimed and went to get my stuff.

~~~At The Base~~~

I was yet again wondering around base aimlessly. I had put the stuff in my room and now had nothing to do. I was just walking through the endless corridors that led to various vaults, energon storages and other things when I suddenly ended up at a dead end, which I never knew was there. But then I felt a presence behind me so I spun around,

"Well... Hello..." He sniggered, "...I was just leaving..."

"Starscream!" I hissed,

"Hello Autobot pet!" he sneered,

"What are you doing here?" I seethed,

"You know the usual. Just want some of your Energon, that's all." He laughed.

I transformed and turned my arms into blasters "Go. Away." I tried to say calmly,

"Ooh! Just as vicious as Bumblebee!" he grinned.

I was about to shoot him when I felt a sudden dizziness overwhelm me, "BEE!" I shouted before I was consumed by the darkness.

Bumblebee's Pov:

I heard someone call my name and went to find the source of the sound. When I arrived at the destination I found Bee lying on the floor as if someone punched her, "What in the name of Primus?" I asked myself. I got her limp body onto my back and gave her a piggyback ride all the way to the med bay.

~~~An Hour Later~~~

"She has had a complete system failure! Her mind seems to be in an endless fantasy" Ratchet explained to the team,

"Will she wake up?" I asked suddenly scared for her wellbeing,

"I don't know but I suspect it is something to do with the medication she received," He said,

"Wait till that doctor gets a piece of me!" I roared angrily, I was about to transform when Bulk grabbed my arms, "What are you doing?" I barked,

"Although this doctor... could be to blame, we cannot be rash and harm others, especially humans," Optimus said calmly,

"AARGH!" I shouted making Bulk jump and he let go of me. I quickly transformed and drove off.

"Hello I'm here to see Dr Out," My holoform said,

"Come right this way sir," the lady said at the counter. I entered the room and sat down in a chair,

"He will be here in a moment sir," she said before walking off. A moment later a young lad with red hair appeared in the room,

"Ah Bumblebee what a pleasant surprise!" he smiled,

"Don't you Bumblebee me-... Wait! How do you know my name?" I asked, he looked at me in defeat but then answered,

"You told me"

"Really?" I asked astonished,

"Yeah?" He said,

"Hm," I muttered,

"Let me guess your sister's Medication isn't working is it?" He asked innocently,

"Yep," I answered,

He sighed and said, "Well take these instead," he handed me a bottle of more medicine,

"Thanks!" I mumbled before walking off,

:: Bumblebee!:: Ratchet's voice commed,

:: Yes?:: I commed back,

:: I asked June to come and check out the medication she took and well... we found some interesting things. Well for a start the medicine is making her hallucinate and she thinks its good so she has been taking more of it which is killing her:: Ratchet commed, anger boiled in my Energon,

:: That glitch of a doctor wait till he gets a piece of me!:: I commed before turning it off so one could tell me I was doing something inappropriate. I stomped all the way to doctor's office and busted in,

"YOU!" I shouted,

"Excuse me?" he said bewildered,

"You are trying to kill my sister!" I boomed,

"So there will be fewer Autobots" he muttered under his breath,

"Um, What?" I asked,

"I said it will work eventually," he said,

"Don't play dumb with me I know you said there will be fewer Autobots!" I bellowed,

"Wow after all this you STILL haven't figured out who I am?" He spoke seriously,

"Uh... No!" I muttered in defeat,

"Seriously! You can't think of the red guy who everybody loves"


"The one that loves his finish!" He sneered,

"No! Knockout" I gasped stepping backwards...


(A/N) Dun, dun, dun! How'd ya like it? Knockout being the crazy doctor! 

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