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Arcee hung her head before looking up at me, "Tell the others, that I'm sorry... for everything," she sobbed before falling backwards off the cliff. I ran as fast as my rather long legs could carry me (because I was in my armour). I grabbed 'Cee at last minute, hanging on to her for dear life or rather her dear life. I commoned to the base, "Come in anybody, come in anybody" I frantically said. 

:: What is it?:: Ratched said through the com, just as the cliff started breaking

"Just bridge the others to my co-ordinates NOW Ratchet, we're going to fall!"

:: Fall, what in Allspark... Okay hold on!" he said before he closed the com.

Just then a Groundbridge opened up, "Thank the Allspark," I muttered quietly, just then the ground that I was holding Arcee on broke from the cliff, I scream as we fell. Suddenly when I thought all hope was lost, Optimus grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "What happened Miko?" he asked,

"I'll tell you back at base," I said

When we got to base Arcee ran to where her berthroom was but Ratchet knocked her out with a wrench so he could examine her. "So then, care to explain her behaviour soldier." Ultra Magnus said. So I told them what Arcee was saying and when I got to the bit where she fell Smokey butted in, "She tried to kill herself! Wow, now that's deep". By the end of the story, they had their optics wide. "I will go and see if Arcee is okay," Optimus said before leaving, Ultra Magnus and Jackie were next to leave due to some 'con reading on Cybertron. So it was just Me, Bulk, Bee and Smokey left, "So er... wanna go and race to take our mind of thing." Smokey suggested, the three of us nodded in unison.

The sun was setting as we entered our destination, an old ghost town. The three bots got in there position as I got in between two of them, "On your marks," I said, "Get set," I paused for longer than intended, "GO!" They all roared off with Smokescreen first. As they rounded the corner out of sight I heard a loud clapping coming from the shadows. I still had my armour on so I wasn't scared as much. The clapping got louder as it emerged from the shadows, Knockout. I stare in disbelief, I swear he follows me... 

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