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Bellabee's Pov:

I jumped out of 'my' black and yellow ship, "Guess who's back?" I said Bee looked at me then came running towards me,

"BELLABEE!" he called, I remained silent as he hugged me, "Please... don't... leave... ever... again. It was so quiet and lonely," he whimpered as energon tears fell from his optics,

"I'm... sorry" I admitted, thinking of how my lonely mission ended up,

"Bellabee..." Optimus said as Bumblebee let go of me and wiped his tears quickly,

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered, he was about to say something but decided against it and said,

"It's good to have you back", I nodded in agreement. Arcee came over,

"How's it been then..." she said,

"Okay... I guess. Chased by Decepticons; found a Groundbridge and went around our Solar system"

"Wow... you actually did something awesome", Bulk walked up behind me and gave me a tight hug,

"Bu.. lk... to... tig-ht" I managed to say,

"Sorry" he smiled, Smokey came up to us,

"Hey Bee," he said,

"Hi," I said,

"Nice ship, it's bigger than Megatron's... Where'd you get it?" he smirked,

"I... er... um... got it from... er... the ship company... you know that... floats around in space" I said trying to think,

"I heard one of Ultra Magnus' BLACK AND YELLOW ships went missing," he sarcastically said while emphasizing black and yellow,

"Um... what... don't know what your on about," I said looking at the sky,

"Your so bad at lying," he shook his head, 

"Whatever you say," I said rolling my eyes.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I was laying on my berth looking up at the ceiling in mine and Bee's room, since he was my brother we got to share a room, thinking of stuff when I heard the door open. I sat up and looked at Bee, who had just entered,

"Bee..." he said,

"Yeah," I said,

"Why did you leave anyway?" he asked,

"He said stuff that made me feel as if I was unwanted... so I left to clear my mind. But then I was chased all over the world by Decepticons... and Police officers." I muttered turning away,

"Police officers!" He asked surprised,

"While the 'cons chased me I was speeding and the Police decided to try and give me a ticket... and I have no driver so I kept on driving... really... really fast!" I sighed before he could say anything, "Where's... Wheeljack?" I said shuddering at the name,

"He left to permanently stay on Cybertron," He said sadly, "But he told me to give you this" he handed me a letter,

"Thanks" I mumbled, as Bee was called to do something. I opened the letter up and read it:

Dear Bellabee,

I am truly sorry for what I did and hope you got back safely. I wanted to say I didn't mean any of those things, I... we, Ultra Magnus and I had been discussing how you fight well and he didn't like, me on the other servo thought you knew how to do it but... U M said you took over to much and he was threating to kick me off the team if I didn't act. So... I... Had... To... in a way get rid of you. As soon as you left Bee tried to kill me, Arcee looked as if she lost another partner and Bulk couldn't even look me in the eye. So I did what was right and punch U M in the helm Superhard. I told him to go back to Cybertron to realise one of his ships were missing and was calling you a fragging glitched head so I punched him again. But anyway, if you ever read this letter know that I always loved you... even when you were human. Especially when you snuffed Hardshell.

From Wheeljack

Did this mean that he had feelings for me?

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