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We all took different places, I took Cybertron; Bulk took Tokyo, I wanted to go there; 'Cee took England; Smokey took Australia and Optimus stayed here, Ratch was monitoring us. We all left to get to our places but why was Bee in 5 different places... at once? As walked through the Spacebridge to Cybertron I realised Cybertron looked more Lively.

:: Bee should be due north.:: Ratchet commed,

:: Alright.:: I commed back, I walked through Tyger Pax, the place that still needed to be rebuilt. I noticed a shiny yellow car with black stripes lonely sitting in the middle of nowhere,

"I know your there Bellabee!" he hissed,

"Are you... alright?" I asked suspiciously,

"Am I alright? My minions are gonna take over the WORLD!" he snickered, is it me or does he sound like Knockout? He transformed and looked at me hard; he ran forward and punched me, sending me flying.

:: Requesting backup immediately... something is wrong with Bee!:: I commed Urgently,

"Calling your friends for help, are you? HA! HA!" He sarcastically laughed,

I went into battle mode as our fight continued...

~~~Minutes later~~~

Somehow I ended up on the Floor, yet again. The backup hadn't even come 'cuz they were fighting the minions as I slowly faded,

"I thought you were Bellabee the stealthiest of them all... could never be caught I heard. But what do we have here" He absent-mindedly said, "Seems like your backup is coming better make it quick" he muttered,

Bulk's Pov:

"Bee, what are you doing?" I shouted as he pointed his very powerful blasters at the other Bee,

"Killing the Autobot I hate most BELLABEE!" he raged...

Bellabee's Pov:

I stare at the blaster pointed at my Spark... BOOM!

I woke up with a jolt, waking Bee up in the process, I was still clinging onto him. I let go of him abruptly and moved away,

"Bee did you have another nightmare?" he asked,

"Are you kidding me? You just killed me... Wait how can you see me? I'm offline. And how did I end up here? With the guy that offlined me!" I raged, Bee grabbed my shoulders and shook me,

"1. I didn't kill you; 2. You were asleep; 3. It was probably a nightmare and 4.can you tell me what happened," he said back, so I went to tell him my second nightmare of the night and by the end of it I was sobbing uncontrollably screaming, "Why did this happen to me?!" 

Bee hugged me tightly as someone knocked on the door and entered. Smokey was standing there clutching a light,

"Are you two okay" he yawned and stared at the sight before him, I was crying into Bee's chestplate, yet again, while Bee shrugged at Smokey,

"Okay... um... I was just leaving... Have a great day... er... night!" he yawned before leaving,

"How about you go and see a doctor tomorrow, in your human form," He said,

 "Okay," I mumbled as I dozed off... again.


(A/N) Kinda short... sorry.

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