Bee's Sister

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"We are now once again awake and reunited," Optimus said,

Everyone looked at Bee who was staring at the floor intensively, I was about to say something when Bulk shook his head viciously. I stood there absolutely confused when Bee said, "I'll tell you in our hideout," before walking away solemnly. I shrugged my shoulders at the others before following him.

When I eventually found him, he was climbing down the ladder to the basement, with me following. He sighed before saying, "So you're probably wondering why I... zoned out back there and why everyone was staring at me."

"Yeah," I confusedly said,

"Well, I had a twin sister called Bellabee... she was exactly like me, she transformed into the same car as me, she has a name that's kinda like mine... do you get the point?" he said,

"Yep," I replied,

"So, during the war on Cybertron, we were on the same team until she was put on a different unit, where she had to go off-world and fight 'cons with Starscreams sister Starblaze who was an Autobot or so everyone thought. But the thing is before she left she said, 'We will reunite Bee don't forget it!' after she left I was taken by Megatron who ripped out my voicebox and blah, blah. After the Autobots found me and helped me I waited day and night for her to return... in the end, she never did..." He looked away for a split second before looking at me again, "After a while, I was put on Optimus' team and helped him fight, until one day, Optimus told me the ship my twin was on was destroyed and she was found in space with her spark, not in her spark chamber, he told me Starblaze was a Decepticon and helped Starscream kill Bee, before the ship she was on plunged into an asteroid and killed her. And that's not even the worst part she was mine and Bee's best friend... well, she is still my best friend I don't even know if that story is true, it just Optimus heard Starscream tell Megatron!" He looked away guiltily, "I should have been there... even if it wasn't real" he whimpered.

I got up and patted him on the leg, 'cuz it was the only place I could reach. "It's okay if she was here, I'm sure she wouldn't want to see you like this," I said kinda reassuringly,

He sighed, "Your right," before smiling.

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