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Bellabee's Pov:

I have been running for ages from the one thing I hate the most. But I don't know what it is a raging headache made me fall down a bunch of stairs like I didn't even know bots could get headaches and wherein Primus sake did a bunch of stairs come from? What am I supposed to do? This isn't Earth... or Cybertron, so what is it? An endless nightmare that gives you things only for you to leave them, that's what it is. I found a guitar the other day and I had to leave it or everybody dies! This is such a sadistic prank so whoever's playing it better stop or I swear I will kill them!

Bumblebee's Pov:

"K-Knockout... but how... why?" I said unexpectedly afraid,

"That's for me know and you to find out!" He sneered before jumping out the window,

"Scrap!" I mumbled,:: Bumblebee to base, come in base.:: I shuddered,

:: We hear you loud and clear, Bumblebee.:: Optimus commed,

:: I went to the doctor only to find that he's... Knockout. He said something about there being fewer Autobots to fight:: I muttered,

:: What!:: Arcee's voice butted in,

:: We will meet at your coordinates, do not engage him unless he does!:: Optimus said.

I jumped out the window and followed him, he was running towards a forest area. We ran passed multiple trees when we entered a clear patch,

"You know my holoform still has weapons too," He said pulling out a gun. Time went in slow motion he pointed the gun at my heart and fired; the bullet soared the sky straight at me. I turned off my holoform in the nick of time making the bullet bounce off my pede and go towards Knockout again. He then turned off his holoform and stared at me,

"I'll get you back for that!" He shouted transforming his servo into a saw. But before he could do any real damage a Groundbridge appeared and the team came through,

"Maybe another day!" He screamed before driving off. I stood there staring at him like in your dreams. 

"Bumblebee, you're hurt!" Smokey said genuinely concerned; I looked down at my pede where the bullet hit me and realise it was leaking a little,

"Aw, it's fine, it's not like i'm gonna die," I reassured him,

"Still go and see Ratch," Arcee butted in... again.

"Fine," I mumbled, "How's Bee?",

"Compared to you not so good," Bulk said looking down,

"Oh," I said also looking down,

~~~At Base~~~

She woke up as soon as we entered; she said she felt better and tried to get up but she fell down in a very bad attempt of standing. I told her what happened and she said she was going to add Knockout to her killing spree list,

"You have a what list?!" I asked,

"A killing spree list," she said way too calmly,

"Why?" I asked,

"So all those bad idiots that are being rude get killed... duh!" she said rather pleased with herself,

"Who's on it?" I asked,

"Um... Megatron... Starscream... Knockout... um... Shockwave? Or was it Soundwave? Never mind. Oh and everybody else on that wretched Warship" she said,

"Er... Okay, that's kinda creepy. I'm just gonna pretend I don't know you," I Joked as we both laughed.

Bellabee's Pov:

I was now finally allowed out in the field, Ratchet said I was fine and told me to get some fresh air. Though the med was killer, I think it helped because i'm not getting any bad dreams or hallucinations anymore. I was driving around the broken Jasper, Nevada when I got a phone call from Jack,

"Why weren't you in school?" he said,

"Duh! Because it's still the summer" I said back,

"No... Summer finished like a year ago," he said,

"Oh... Do I need school? Like I think i'm going to live in my bot form for the rest of life, hello!" I said sarcastically,

"Miko..." He said slowly,

"Fine, fine I'll come tomorrow with Bee. Hey is Vince still around? I mean come on it's a new school what are the chances he gets the same one as us?" I asked hopefully,

"The chances are pretty high I'm afraid. I saw him and the pretty much the rest of the school at this new one," he said,

"Yay! I'm feeling even better than I already am" I said sarcastically,

"Oh, Miko. Well, I gotta go, see ya at base" he said hanging up as I sped off to base.


(A/N) Couldn't think of title :P

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