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Jack's Pov:

I sat on the cold, hard metal surgery table. They hadn't done anything yet but these are Decepticons, no one knows what they'll. My wrists and ankles burned as the straps holding me down went deeper into my skin, it was like if I moved then the straps would get tighter. I wonder if the others will find me, I'm sure 'Cee will but in the conditions she was left in I'm seriously not sure anymore. 

"Ah, Hello Human," Megatron said as he walked in, "I see you're awake!"

I struggled against my restraints as he walked closer. "What do you want Megatron?" I spat,

"Oh, I want a test subject... Shockwave begin." Megatron said walking away,

"What... NO... you ca-" I said before Shockwave injected something.

Bee's Pov:

Everybody on the team is working hard to find where the Nemesis is, but only Miko isn't helping. She seems depressed in a way, yet she acts like she can do this. And then you have Arcee she seems way too sad to even help is trying anyway. "Miko, can I talk to you... outside?" I asked,

"Sure," she said barely audible.

Arcee's Pov:

What does he think he is doing? I mean, can he not see we are all trying to find Jack. Oh, and then we have Miko who isn't doing anything is just walking around the room like she's on repeat, y'know she could be a really big help because she knows how to locate thing, yet she stalks around the room sulking about her missing friend... has she met me I've lost 2 partners, soon to become 3. *Sigh* maybe I'm going to hard on myself thinking about stupid stuff... then again. I thump Smokescreen in the back really hard,

"Owwww-" He starts before I give him a death stare,

"Go and see what Bee and Miko are talking about" I whisper,

He nods obediently before walking off.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"They are talking about the plan and if it's risky, which Miko keeps denying." He whispers,

I give him a thumbs up as he goes back to what he was doing, I really do feel better, that their chat wasn't about me.

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