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Bellabee's Pov:

It has been a couple of weeks now in my new form, and I have been lovin' it. Somehow the boys saw me transform and now know I'm an Autobot, but I'm pretty sure Jack is soo jelly of this form; after all, he is kind of a "leader" thing. But anyways, I've been allowed on missions, which is way better than staying base, and I've terminated several Decepticons. I've even scouted for Energon, which isn't that bad. Yet, sometimes I seriously think Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack think I take over the missions, but this is Jacky he would never think of such thing, right? Oh yeah, we have Ultra Magus too, who probably thinks I take over just to make him look bad, but like I care about his reputation! 

Right now Me, Bee, Cee, Smokey, Bulk, Jack and Raf decided to go racing since I could transform it meant I could be apart of the race, meanwhile Jack and Raf have to cheer us on from the sidelines... HA! While we were racing I decided to go super fast and nearly crashed into Smokey... but I transformed and jumped over him, then transformed again.

~~~A couple races later~~~

I was going super fast (yet again) so I could win, however, a Vehicon decided to jump in front of me, "AH!" I screeched, swerving off a bridge and falling into a river with a loud splash,

"You okay down there?" Smokey asked,

"Fine," I muttered, there was a lot of banging up on the bridge and loads of Decepticons were falling off it. But then everything went silent, "Hello, what's going on guys?" I shouted,

"Stay down!" a familiar yet unfamiliar voice said, I got up onto the bridge only to find none other than the unfamous Knockout.

"Seems like your always here when we're racing" I muttered as I took in my surroundings, the bots were scattered on the ground behind Knockout and were leaking Energon. They stared at Knockout with beady optics as Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus appeared from a Groundbridge next to us, "How'd you even do it? They're too stealthy for you" I said with a sheepish grin on my face,

"Oh, I just decided to use a new weapon I created, when used it shields the person using it and send the attack back to the bot that sent it... clever huh?" he replied ignoring my comment,

"No!" I said before I kicked him in the face, the weapon flew out of his hand and into the river,

"AH! Not the paint! Please, not the paint!" he screamed. I bashed him and thrashed him and blasted him and obviously scraped him before I threw him in the river where he transformed and drove off. I went to help the others when I was grabbed from behind and slammed into the ground, "What were you thinking hot head? You could have gotten yourself killed or worst us killed! You may be a warrior, but you are. Nothing. Like. Your. Brother!" Wheeljack screamed in my face. By now I had got up and so had the others.

"What are you talking about? I was the one that shoved Knockout into the river, While you and Ultra Magnus watched!" I shouted back,

"Hot head, your turning into a HOT HEAD! You know before you came we could handle ourselves just fine. In fact, you know what? We were better off without you! And you know what I think, We don't need you!" He said prodding me in my chestplate.

Several gasps were heard behind me. I looked down at my feet. "No, wait, I didn't mean that!" he pleaded,

"No, No it's fine... I guess you're... right... anyway..." I mumbled as I tried to keep the tears from falling, "I guess I should go now," I whimpered and looked at Bee, he was staring at me dead on with his sad puppy eyes, I looked away and started walking forward before I transformed and drove off... it was going to be just me from now on... until I can go back.

:: Bee? Hello! Where are you going?:: Bumblebee said through our twinbond, I decided I was going to ignoring him as well as everyone else especially Wheeljack...

Bumblebee's Pov:

I frantically tried to talk to her through our twinbond but no avail, even her com was off. "What. Have. You. Done?" I roared at Wheeljack, he took a step away from me,

"I-I a-am so-orry," he pleaded before pulling himself together, "I didn't mean for that to happen!"

"Oh yes you did, you intended that to happen or you wouldn't have said those things. Now because of you, I've lost my sister who I've been trying to find for eons, and my best friend" I roared with the most snarkiest face I could muster, Bulk had to restrain me as we were taken to base so we could sort out things with Optimus. Boy, am I gonna screw Wheeljack up on this. Oh and Ultra Magnus I swear is working with Wheeljack but hasn't said a word since we got to base.

"What seems to be the matter?" Optimus asked as I explained what happened.


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