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I woke up to a loud noise, coming from one of the rooms in the base, that made me fall off my bed. This has happened for the 90th time now and I really can't cope with it. Since I was already out of bed, I got up and walked around the base. The was a long corridor that had all the 'bots rooms; as I quietly walked down the cold hallway there was a noise coming from one of the rooms, it sounded like whimpering. I look up at the door to see a bright yellow sign reading Bee.

I ran back to my room grabbed the Apex armour and put it on so I could turn the door handle; I walked back to the outside of his room and stood there. Should I knock? No, that could wake up the others. Should I wait till he comes out? No, that could scare him even more. In the end, I just went with going in. I grabbed the door handle and turned it.

Bee was on the bed rocking himself, "Bee..." I trailed off,

"Huh," he said confused looking up, "What are you doing?"

"I fell out of bed to a loud noise that came from here," I said

"Okay, that loud noise was me... falling out of bed too. But what are you doing with the Apex armour on?" he said trying not laugh,

"Hello, how else am I supposed to reach your door handle?" I say irritated, "But anyway care to tell me what happened?"

"I keep having dreams about Starblaze and how she's good and how she tried to stop Starscream from destroying Bee but in the end, they both die, and that's why I keep waking up," He says,

"Okay I get you, but you need to calm down like you have now and could you be a tad bit quieter too?" I ask,

"Yeah, okay," he said laughing quietly,

"Oh and if you want to see if she's alive we could go on a mission to find her," I suggested,

"How 'bout tomorrow?" he looked at me eagerly,

"Okay," I yawned, before turning around and heading out the door to my room, but of course I bump into Ratchet.

"Where have you been?" he huffed,

"Calming down Bee," I said before walking off,

"Yip, yip, yip come back" I heard him say as I closed my door.   

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