Back Off Bully

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I was roaming around our Cybertronian base, the one located behind the core of the planet aka Primus. The feeling of being watched left once I was inside base it was a delightful feeling in a weird way,

"Bee, do you feel like your being watched outside of base?" I asked when he walked past,

"Yeah... kinda makes me glad that we can only Groundbridge to this place," he said before walking off, hurriedly.

Bumblebee's Pov:

She doesn't know yet, but I do. I don't think i'm being watched; I know I being watched. It's that guy that used to bully me, I never knew his name but I swear he's related to Megatron. It all started when I was at Elite guard, this guy just bullied me and it was always Bellabee to the rescue or some bot that was near. In fact, I never stuck up for myself, but now? Now, I know how to fight. After battling the cons for so long, fighting a bully should be easy.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I was helping Bulk rebuild one of the structures when I felt like I was being watched. "Bulk, could you finish this without my help?" I asked,

"Sure, why?" He replied,

"Things," I muttered before walking off and comming Bee to get her aft over here. I walked over to a rather deserted area before speaking, "I know you're here!" I shouted,

"Who me?" a faraway voice spoke,

"Yes, you, bully" I muttered,

"After all these aeons you still don't know my name?" A harsh laugh was heard,

"Maybe..." I smirked as I remembered his name, "Stingfire."

"Oh well," he said as he jumped in front of me, "your on Optimus Prime's team... Pity... you stole MY dream!" He murmured,

"I'm sorry!" I said sarcastically, "But did you really think Optimus was gonna let an evil psychopath on his team... an idiot for that matter,"

"Excuse me? What's a psychopath... and an idiot?" he asked, I rolled my eyes and transformed my arms in blasters,

"I'm gonna end this right now and right here," I emphasized through gritted dermas,

"Woah, you ain't gonna shoot an unarmed mech, are you?" He smirked, raising his arms, I lowered my blaster, "Too bad," he said before grabbing a blaster from Primus knows where "give me your blaster and I will happily put mine down," he murmured angrily,

"If you haven't noticed these are attached to my arm," I said annoyed,

"Umm... FINE! Have it YOUR way!" He furiously muttered before walking off,

I turned around only to realise it was a trap. He turned around and shot me as I spun around dodging all the blasts and firing back. All my hits hit him, while his... never even touched me,

"Serves you right... bully," I spat,

"I-I'm s-sorry, I didn't realise how powerful you had b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-become" He stuttered immensely.

Just then a Groundbridge appeared revealing a rather aggressive looking Bee,

"All right, all right! Where's this bully?" she seethed through gritted dermas,

"Right here," I said proudly at my rather sad accomplishment, 

"You did it be!" She cheered, "You stood up for yourself!" I stood there grinning cheesily while I talked to Bee. We hadn't realised the bully getting away,

"Hey get back here!" I screamed,

"No point, he's too far now unless we call the team but I have a feeling that will end badly," She said annoyed,

"What'd ya think he'll do?" I asked randomly,

"My guess is he'll probably join with the cons," she said thoughtfully,

"And this is coming from Miko!" I smirked,

"Shut up!" she said elbowing me as we walked through the Groundbridge.

~~~3 Years~~~



(A/N) Dun, dun dun! What will happen?

Sorry, this is out a week late, but i'm making a new book.

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