Mission Impossible

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Me, Bee and bulk were getting ready to leave, to go and find Starblaze,

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" Optimus asked,

"Bumblebee has said it is his mission and doesn't want anyone else to get hurt, however, Miko and Bulkhead are willing enough to go," Ratchet commented,

"Very well, come back unharmed," Optimus said. After we said our goodbyes we Spacebridge to our Cybertron base, which Ratch built. It's located behind the core of Cybertron or Primus himself. We got out and went to Jackie's ship which he was forced to give to us by Ultra Magnus. We were riding to our destination while I told Bulkhead what we were doing,

"Wow, you know that story off by heart and you've only heard it once," Bee smiled,

"I listen," I smirked, as we approached our destination.

"This. Is. It" Bee said sadly, outside was a broken ship, with broken parts flying around.

"Wow," Bulk said.

We headed out, my Apex armour against my chest for protection, even though I hadn't put it on. (she's in an astronaut suit). Bee cut a hole into the ship so we could enter,

"We'll go left, you go right" he signalled to Bulk, he nodded and took off.

We approached a control panel room, with two stasis pods one empty... presumably Bellabee's and one with content in it... Starblaze.

"Who would have thought she's alive," Bee muttered, he activated the controls and opened her stasis pod. A cloud of smoke came out to reveal Starblaze stumbling out. She looked up and stared at Bee, I hid behind him so she couldn't see me.

"Bee?" she looked up confused,

"Starblaze." He looked down overpoweringly; she went to hug him, but Bee put a hand up telling her to stop,

"What did your brother do?" he asked,

"Who? Starscream!" she said angrily,

"Woah! Calm down" Bee said staring at the Autobot symbol on her arm,

"That glitch head killed my best friend!" she shouted, by now Bulk was already in the room watching from a distance. I watched her put her arm around her other arm for support? Only to see a Decepticon symbol underneath.

"So rumours are true," Bee said looking hurt,

"What rumours?" she asked genuinely confused,

"You. Are. Decepticon." he said staring into her eyes, she was about to say something but stopped, "You. Helped. Kill. Bee." 

"No! It's not like that well, I am a 'Con but i'm not bad. Remember I helped kill loads" she said pleadingly,

"You said we were friends. You said you would keep her safe..." he trailed looking even more hurt than before,

"Okay, I-I-I d-did kill Bee, b-b-but listen I didn't want to," she said sadly,

"Why?" He looked away longingly,

"Starscream told me to tell her I was Decepticon so she would leave the ship, so he could play his part of the plan but I never saw the end of it 'cause I crashed... I am so, so sorry" she said, I got out of my place and went to talk to her,

"Who do you think you are? You killed Bee's sister and you're looking very smug!" I shouted at her, she laughed at me.

"Bee do you know this native glitch-head squishy, I bet you I could squish her in one go" she smirked putting her hands around me when suddenly she was flung across the room,

"Do. Not. Touch. My. Partner" Bee said angrily,

"She. Your partner, really Bee?" she said laughing,

"I bet you I can pound you into a block of metal!" I said frustratedly,

"Oh yeah prove it!" she said still laughing, I look at Bee for approval: he nods his head. I put on the Apex armour and see that Starblaze face was actually looking terrified, "This armour I had to take from Starscream, and I can happily take your spark!" I said laughing, I charged at her hitting her in the helm making her fall. She looked at me with a surrendering look, but I ignored it and punched her in the helm several more times before Bulk joined in. She wasn't even trying to fight us so I stopped and looked around to see Bee with a shocked face; I turned around only to be shot in my left which flung me over by Bee, Energon leaked from it meaning my left blaster wasn't going to work. I sighed and tried to get up only to realise I had energon coming out of that as well so it wouldn't move. I looked up to see Bee motioning Bulk to get out the way before say,

"Look what you've done, you've made my friend leak Energon like a tap... you kill her... I... Kill...YOU!" he said before blasting her in her spark chamber,

"I will reunite with her in the Allspark!" She shuddered before offlining,

"Why does everyone say reunite before they die" Bee whimpered, he looked at me and bulk, "I'm sorry, let me go and get a transporter so I can carry you to the ship," he said trying to lighten the mood, although it was clear he was in a worse state than us.

~~~Time Skip~~~

As we approached Cybertron we could see the familiar face of our comrades.

"I'll be back with the others," Bee said as he walked away slowly, we could faintly hear what he was saying,

"Where are Miko and Bulkhead," Optimus said faintly,

"They, they died" Bee whimpered, I nearly bust out laughing,

"Starblaze shot them."

"You are going to go back and find Bulkhead and Miko's remains and bring. Them. Back! Okay!" and angry Jackie said,

"Woah! Calm down they're alive but wounded!" Bee called

~~~Another Time Skip~~~

We were being checked by Doc bot for any bad injuries, it took about a couple of minutes until he said, "Bulkhead you're fine, you can leave!" Ratch said firmly, Bulk left without question, "As for you Miko... well let's just say your injuries will heal but Jack's mum isn't here so I have this other solution on fixing you." he muttered,

"Which is?" I asked,

"I cannot tell you in case it doesn't go to plan, don't want to keep your hopes high," he promoted,

"Okay," I said before he put the anaesthetic into my arm, making my world go black  

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