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"See! This is what happens when Optimus leaves, and you guys are on Cybertron!" I shouted trying to punch Bee,

"Woah! it's not your fault... I mean it" He said trying to be stern,

"You know i'm the older twin right. There's seriously no point in fighting me" I screamed, "Optimus shouldn't have left... why'd he leave anyway, huh? I mean Megatron's still out there!" I raged,

"Okay fine your right you are the older twin! And Optimus left because the AllSpark was losing its power!" he shouts back after much thought,

"No your-" I was cut off,

"What is going on in here?" Ratchet's voice boomed, I gave him a death stare,

"Don't you even try! I will throw a wrench at you" he hissed,

"Argh!" I shouted, before leaving the room, I needed some peace an quiet and I knew exactly how to do it.

"Maddie?" I said to my phone,

"Hiya!" she said,

"Hi, like I have nothing to do so I was wondering if you would like to meet me?" I asked,

"Sure, how about we meet in the woodland area near a certain cave" she laughed, hanging up,

"Hello? Hello." I said.

Was it her in the cave? No, she's definitely not that tall. I was thinking really hard about if she knew I was Cybertronian when I heard something fall, "Bee?" I called, I heard someone sigh,

"The one and only"

"What do you want?" I moaned,

"Look I'm really sorry... for nothing," he muttered,

"It's okay... I guess" I said sympathetically,

"Um... I kinda overheard your conversation with Maddison and I was wondering if I could come along? 'Cuz you seemed absolutely terrified when you came back to base from the cave and it seems suspicious how she knows so much" He said shyly,

"I don't see why not. Besides if anything goes wrong your here to help!" I said with a smile on my face, but I was dead on the inside about meeting Maddie.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Hiya?" she asked gesturing to Bee,

"Oh yeah, my twin wanted to meet you his name is-" I started,

"Bumblebee," she smiled sickly before covering her mouth with her hands,

"How do you know?" I eyed her suspiciously,

"Er... You told meet!" she replied hurriedly,

"Mhm," I hummed, "so why'd you want to meet here?",

"We were going to do some fun activities but your 'twin' is here. Like c'mon he doesn't even look like you... He has bright yellow hair with black stripes in it," she said cheekily,

"Shut up about my brother! Besides, i'm pretty sure your friend Sonny joined us and I didn't give a scrap about him" I said angrily,

"I guess your right," she sighed, Bee pulled me away from her to a nearby tree,

"Your friend looks like someone I know," Bee said absent-mindedly,

"What!?" I said,

"She looks like NightStar," he said thoughtfully,

"Who?!" I said nearly shouting,

"NightStar... Megatron's daughter," he said,

"Top marks!" Maddie or NightStar shouted, "You caught me at last!" she laughed,

"Then who's Sonny?" I asked randomly,

"Soundwave," she said still laughing,

"Nooo," I murmured, as I transformed and turned my servos into blasters,

"Walk away and you will be unharmed DECEPTICON!" I shouted, Bee shot and she dodged easily,

"This isn't just the welcoming committee," she said still laughing as loads of vehicons surrounded us, Bee commed base while I stood with my blasters out defending him,

"Two against too many... pity!" she snarled as one shot me in the side,

"This. Isn't. Over!" I said through gritted teeth. I shot at a couple 'cons while NightStar transformed and flew away. Later the rest of the team arrived just as we killed the last couple of 'cons,

"What took you?" Bee said falling to the ground and just sitting there,

"We don't know. We were all scattered around Cybertron and we called for a 'bridge but Ratchet said it wasn't working," Bulk said,

"Let's get you two to the med bay," Smokey said,


I was sitting in mine and Bee's room talking to him when I got a call... from Maddie,

"Hiya!" She sniggered,

"What do you want Con" I sighed,

"Oh me? Nothing! It's my sire that wants to speak to you!" she laughed,

"Megatron?" I asked,

"Ah, the one they call Bellabee. Pity, Optimus couldn't see you talking to a Decepticon he would be disappointed in you!" Megatron sniggered,

"No, he would! Wait till I find you... and oh and I will and it won't end pretty!" I said hanging up and blocking the number,

"Er, bad call... literally" Bee said,

"Yeah," I muttered.

~~~A year later~~~

Everyone went back to Cybertron so they could fight Maddie or NightStar. Bee said she died, which made me really happy yet sad. Ratchet left 'to fulfil his own dream' Jack, Raf and Me had graduated and the boys were now high-grade police officers thanks to the help of Agent Fowler and I went back to Cybertron to help Bee rebuild the place. But that dreaded feeling came over me every day... I felt like I was being watched. Not by a Decepticon, not by an Autobot but by a neutral...

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