Operation Jack: Part 3

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Miko's Pov:

I watched helplessly as Shockwave stabbed Jack in his stomach with the Energon stick. He screamed in pain, before going limp. A wave of pain washed over Me and Arcee as we screamed NO. He couldn't die, right? he was probably too strong, for that. A guilty feeling grew in my stomach, as I fell to my knees. I tried to call Bee, who was helping Optimus, Bulk and Smokey defeat Megatron, but I couldn't get the words out.

 Arcee was fighting Shockwave, but he shot her in the stomach making her fall over and scream in pain. I watched helplessly as he started to slowly walk over to me...

Bee's Pov:

I heard loads of screams come from the other room. The first one sounded like Jack's, the other one was Miko's and Arcee's combined and then the last one was Arcee's. "Optimus I think the others are in trouble," I said, he nodded his head and told me to leave.

I went through the door to see Arcee's limp body by the side of the room, Jack also hanging limply by his chains. But then there was Miko who was on her knees with a blaster pointed at her head. I shot Shockwave in his arm where he stumbled back and fell. 

"Thanks," Miko mumbled, I nodded back. She grabbed Jack and I grabbed Arcee, we ran outside the room to find Optimus, "Optimus, we have got Jack who is injured and we've got Arcee who is also injured." I said quickly, 

"Good work, Autobots Roll out" He called. Me and Miko ran as fast as we could because 1. we were carrying people and 2. Miko can't transform. 

Bulk was the first to go through the Spacebridge and then the others followed after, but when we got to it, it closed. "Great," I said to no one in particular,

"Ratchet, hello, Base come in base," Miko tried desperately, "Communication must be jammed" she muttered.

"Well, there's only one way off this ship," I replied, we took off running.

~~~Minutes later~~~

We were at the top of the Nemesis, a soft breeze blew over us as a stiff voice spoke, "You can't leave that easily" Megatron said,

"Watch us!" Miko said with attitude even though it was clear she wasn't trying, she started to fall backwards off the Nemesis, I followed. We were clutching onto our limp partners as we fell, 'Cons were shooting at us from every angle. 

"Base come in base," Miko tried,

"Miko where are you we can't get your signal," Ratchet said,

"Well you decided to Close the bridge on us Doc, so the only other way of getting off was falling!" Miko said sarcastically.

"Sorry about that I will spawn a bridge under you," He replied.

Unexpectedly a 'Bridge spawned under us. We landed in the base with a thud.

"There you are where are the other two?" Ratchet asked,

"Here" Miko replied gesturing to who me and her were holding.

"Get. Them. Onto. The. Medical. Bay. NOW" Ratchet said, as we both started heading over there.

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