Apart of the Team

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"Did I scare you OP?" I say sarcastically while laughing.

Optimus stared his face filled with shock "Y-yes you did, I thought you had turned against the Autobot kind." OP admitted

"I wouldn't do that ever... you guys are my best buds" and that earned a genuine smile from him.

I then walk over to the computer to contact the boy's about the armour...


Jack's Pov:

This armour was actually pretty sweet and with this, we could all go to Cybertron and stand on the ground instead of being put into weird glass canisters. "C'mon already, Spacebridge us over there I'm sure 'cee would love to see my new upgrade!" Raf wined.

Miko's Pov:

We went through the space bridge only to be greeted by a massive fight going on between the auto bots and Megatron and his troop. I guess Megatron turned evil again. Smokescreen waves at us and we try to get over there but they started shooting us. I then turned my arms into blasters and started shooting at the vehicons, knocking 'em all out, we then ran to the others.

"Woah! when did you guys get an upgraded" Arcee exclaimed impressed.

"Miko asked Ratchet to duplicate the Apex Armour and add weapons, so we can survive and help you thrive, in your battles... like this one," Raf said.

 "That is impressive young one," Ultra Magnus said,

"YEE HAW... AWESOME!" Wheeljack Screamed.

"I want one" Bulk said

"Wow..." 'Bee said surprised, "Welcome to the club now" (Song up above)

We then gathered around the well of All-Spark as Optimus made a speech.

"We are gathered here today as I for one will give the core of this plant the All-sparks so we can create new life here on cybertr--" Optimus started.

 "What about our lives, the friends we made, the enemies we killed and even those who we don't like, yet we let live." I started, "Can't you stay for one more month... please?" I think it's the ending that got him 'cuz his face lightened up.

"Very well, but too long then all humanity on Cybertron is lost!" he says.


After we helped out the bots on Cybertron we ALL decided to come back to Earth and rest.

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