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Miki's Pov:

It's has been almost a week since we were on that unearthly ship, Arcee's recovered fully but Jack... hasn't even woken up. His mum, June, came in and was crying for at least a day before coming to her senses and started helping him. Everyone has been really quite especially Arcee, she feels bad for the things she's done. Wait, where is Arcee? "'Bee where's 'Cee," I asked.

"She went for a drive, to take her mind off things," he said looking at Jack,

"Do you know where she went?" I Quizzed,

"No, but she did 'bridge herself there," he said,

"If the others ask where I am, tell them I went for a walk, and don't forget to close the Groundbridge," I said running so he couldn't protest.

I made my way to the Groundbridge and searched for the last co-ordinates used, I punched them in and started walking through the portal as I entered the new terrain the 'bridge closes behind me, at least 'Bee kept his word. Staring forward at where I was I remembered, this was at the location of the old base. I started walking trying to find the ruble of the old base when I heard a voice.

 I walked towards it finding Arcee sitting on the edge of a cliff, her back towards me. "Hey, Cliff," she started, "How's your life been... my life's slowly breaking" she whispered, "I hurt 'Bee because I was dumb enough to come up with a plan, where I accidentally hit him in the arm with a shot" she murmured, "Then I put Jack's life in danger when I asked him if he wanted to go for a drive."

"Nobody knows but I accidentally broke Ratchets 'very important machine' because I was raging and when he asked who did it Bulk said he did it because he watched me destroyed it, and he also knew I wasn't gonna give in" she sighed in frustration while looking at Cliffjumper's horn. "What kind of Autobot am I?" she whispered, standing up and looking over the cliff edge.

"A very good one," I butted in.

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