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Arcee turned around shocked, "M-M-Miko!" she said, I got out of my hiding place and said, 


"How much did you hear?" she said,

"Most of it,"

"Who told you where I was?"

"Bee, but he didn't know where just told me to look at the Groundbridge history,

"You never give up, do you, Miko?"

 "Hey look I just wanted to talk to you,"

"It's about Jack isn't it?"

"Something like that," I said, "You seem so depressed that he's... y'know. But when your other partners actually died you weren't like sad or quiet... you wanted revenge."

"The thing is they were the same size, they both had blasters, they were both Cybertronian and they could fight 'Cons whenever they wanted." She stopped for a brief second and looked over the edge again, "But Jack he's human, he's isn't the same size as them, he has to wear armour if he wants to be protected or even have weapons, for that case. I've lost too many partners before and if Cliff was here I would give him my spark so he could live, and if Jack was Cybertronian I would give him my spark too." she whimpered and turned around, her heels on the edge of the cliff, "And that's what I plan to do!"


(A/N) Sorry, it's short. 

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