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I woke up for real this time and looked around; Bee was still asleep on his berth, on the other side of the room, looking really tired. But none the less, I had to wake him, "Bee it's time for our patrol" I whispered,

"Uh, Whaaaaaat... timmmme isss itttt?" He yawned tiredly,

"4 am," I replied,

"Okay," he said back.

~~~While later~~~

We had returned to base from our patrol to ask Ratch some advice,

"Hey Ratch," Bee said,

"Hm, yes?" he replied,

"Do you have some med that can cure Bee's nightmares?" Bee said,

"No... What nightmares?" he said,

"Uh, nightmares." Bee stumbled,

"Eh whatever, call Jack see if his mum can help," he muttered. We asked Jack but his mum was on a course so she couldn't come; so me and Bee decided to go to the hospital. "I hate hospitals," I sighed,

"Do you want me to come?" Bee asked,

"Yeah," I beamed. After he parked he turned on his holoform; he was about 18 and had a yellow t-shirt with black jeans and hoodie; his hair was yellow with black stripes in it, I would probably look the same if I had a holoform but I have a human self so I will never know. We walked in and waited,

'Miko' the speaker called out,

"This is it," I muttered nervously, "Um... Have you ever been to the doctors?"

"No..." Bee replied.

We walked into the room to find a doctor with red hair smiling... creepily.

"Hello, Miko!" He beamed,

"H-hi," I stuttered,

"Don't be scared, I don't bite," he laughed,

"Okay," I skeptically replied,

"Anyway what seems to be the problemo?" he asked,

"I keep having nightmares every day," I said,

"You seem to have a rare case of nightmareits," he said,

"What! is that even a word?" Bee asked,

"Yes, yes it is... here is some medication," the doctor said,

"Thanks," I muttered,

"Your welcome! Have a nice day!" He smiled wickedly as we left and got into Bee's alt mode,

"Hey, you feeling better now that you're out of there?" he asked,

"Kinda," I replied,

"How so?" he asked,

"Doctors don't give you medicine that quickly," I said,

"Maybe he's had loads of people like you come in?" he said back,

"Maybe. Just maybe your right but there's something up with that doctor," I replied.

~~~Time Skip~~~

A very long while later, since Jasper, Nevada's hospital doesn't exist anymore we had to go to another one far away, we finally arrived at the base.

"So how was your trip?" Ratch asked,

"Boring" Bee said,

"Terrifying" I shuddered,

"How come?" Ratch asked,

"Doctors scare the scrap out of me" I replied,

"Okay..." Ratch said, "Can I see the Medicine?"

"Sure" I muttered as I handed it to him,

"Let's hope it works" Ratch muttered,

"What! Are you telling me it won't work?" I frustratedly asked,

"I don't know i'm not a human doctor," he calmly replied, I sighed in response.

~~~Another Time Skip~~~

We were all about to go into recharge when Bee asked,

"Have you taken the Med?"

"Ummm... no," I replied blankly, he sighed and made me transform and take,

"I hate you sometimes" I muttered as I transformed back into bot mode,

"Luv ya too sis!" he laughed, as we dozed off.

I was walking around Cybertron before the war had started, Bee was telling me how the bully was always bullying him but I zoned out then and stared at the stars,

"Hello! Are you even listening to me, Bee?" He asked, "HELLO BELLABEE!"

"Huh... What?" I said snapping out of my daze,

"I was telling you about the bully's friends!" He muttered,

"And I was staring at the stars," I said back,

"Hm, they are pretty thou'," He said admiringly,

"Anyway, what about the bully's friend?" I asked suddenly intrigued,

"The bully's friend is... Blizzard," I stopped walking,

"WHAT! You don't mean our Blizzard!" I shouted,

"I DO mean OUR Blizzard and he has been telling the bully about my weaknesses," he muttered sadly,

"Wait till carrier hears this" I muttered angrily,

"NO! You can absolutely not tell carrier if Blizzard finds out the bully will KILL me!" he shouted,

"Then what are you gonna do?" I shouted back. But before he could reply we heard blasters being fired and bombs going off,

"No," We both said in unison, this was the beginning of the war...

I woke up with a fright but found I was calmed down a lot more. I didn't wake up Bee but I did hear a loud thud come from the other room. I reluctantly walked over to the room: Smokescreen's room. I opened the door and looked around Smokey was on the floor rubbing his back,

" woke me up," I yawned,

"Sorry... bad dream," he muttered, "Hey, do you wanna have a sleepover?"

"Er... sure," I replied, "Just hold on a sec...", I dashed over to the storage cupboard and grabbed two tents. I run back to the room and handed on to Smokey,

"OH YES! I've always wanted to go camping!" he said happily, we got into our tents and went to sleep,

"Night Smokey!" I said,

"Night Bee!" He replied as we dozed off.

TFP: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now