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~~~6 months later~~~

Bumblebee's Pov:

It has been 6 months since she left. I watched the monitors for days as she moved around, then one unexpected day she disappeared. Frantically I called Ratchet, "RATCHET! She's disappeared off the monitors!"

"Calm down, she probably found Megatron's Spacebridge... or something," Ratch said calmly,

"OR SOMETHING! A Decepticon could have got her!" I raged,

"Yip, yip, yip I will contact Ultra Magnus and see if she is on Cybertron!"

I looked at him longingly, "O-okay." I said before walking. I continued to walk towards the corridor to where our weapons were, though I weren't really interested in them. I stopped and looked around, 'maybe I should com Bee through the twinbond' I thought,

:: Bee? Can you hear me?:: I said through the com,

No reply,

:: I know you can hear me,:: I commed,

Still no reply,

:: Look, can you at least tell me where you? After all you are my best friend, sister and twin!::

Still no reply but I could feel her feeling guilty,

:: Please? Without you the base is really quiet. No one has said a word since you left apart from me and Ratchet. And Jack and Raf? They haven't left the base!:: I commed desperately,

:: I-I-I'm in space.:: she commed back,

:: What! Why?:: I asked suddenly suspicious,

:: Megatron found me and was hunting me down so the only safe place was... Space.:: she commed thoughtfully,

"Bee?", someone said,

"Huh?", I said looking forward to find Arcee,

"Your eyes were unfocused and it creeped us out," she admitted,

"Us?" I asked,

"Me and Smokey," 'Cee replied,

"Oh... I was talking to Bee through our twinbond," I said,

"Oh wow! It's really hard to believe you have a twin!" Smokey confessed, 'Cee nudged him, "OW!"

"Anyway, what did she say?" 'Cee asked interested,

"She said that she was, was, was I-I-in space," I muttered looking down at my feet.

Seconds later I heard two pairs of pedes walking away. I reluctantly leaned myself against the wall and looked up at the ceiling, until I heard a pair of pedes walking towards me, Optimus.

"Bumblebee." He said,

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered,

"I have heard what has happened," he said calmly,

"Y-you WHAT!" I exclaimed,

"Arcee came and told me. However, Bellabee will return and she will... it is in her spark to do so." He said with much thought,

"But! I... I don't know she is Miko too you know!"

"I know. Although she is Miko she will come" he said before walking off...

Bellabee's Pov:

I was currently orbiting Jupiter 'cuz duh! What else was I supposed to do? My ignoring people thing failed. After I was chased by Megatron himself and that Soundwave, I had no other choice but to leave Earth, and it had only been a month since I left. I felt guilty as I could feel Bee's panic through our bond. And then Bee decided to talk to me and since I had been in hiding and was lonely I stupidly decided to talk, so much for the ignoring thing. Besides today's the day I go back. I got onto my ship, 'bout the size of the Nemesis, and set course for Earth.

Bumblebee's Pov:

"Decepticon Activity," Ratch said,

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus said as we went through the Groundbridge.

We were in a desert like area, the Decepticons had uncovered a whole stash of Energon just lying in the sand, "How comes we haven't found this?" I asked,

"I do not know," Optimus said,

"Well let's go and show them who it really belongs to!" Bulk said a little too loud, unfortunately, a 'con heard us and started shooting.

"Scrap!" 'Cee said before charging, soon after everyone else followed apart from me.

"Bee why are you standing still?" Smokey said while shooting a 'con,

"I-I-I dunno," I said back,

"Well if it isn't Bumblebee," Megatron sniggered,

"What do you want!?" I snarled,

"Only your spark, just like your loyal twin's" He laughed,

"W-What! You didn't!" I exclaimed,

"I chased her through multiple countries... until she disappeared an-" Megatron started,

"And I'm the only one who knows where she is," I sneered, he snarled before aiming his cannon at me,

"Prepare to join your sister in the Allspark" He roared. At that moment I could feel multiple eyes staring at me, but the shot never came instead a HUGE black and yellow ship hovered above us.

"By the Allspark," I heard Optimus muttered, the ship's blasters came out and started shooting at the 'cons,

"DECEPTICONS FALL BACK!" Megatron shouted as they left. On the side of the ship, a panel opened and a bot jumped out. They laned on there knee and servo,

"Guess who's back," they said...

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