Chapter 2: Repression

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The bar was bustling, which was surprising for one in such a remote part of town. I saw by myself at a table, a nearly empty flask of alcohol in one hand and the paper in the other. My face was flushed, and my hand shook as I struggled to lift the flask up to my trembling lips.

    "Well now, what's a pretty girl like you doing out here?"

I looked up slowly, my glazed eyes narrowed. "Look here, you....pervert." I growled, practically slamming the flask on the wooden table. "I will cut you half..." Before he could even come any closer, I pulled out a hand gun I kept concealed in my boot.

Fed up, I pushed out my chair and wobbled towards the door. "Can't even drink my emotions away in peace." I grumbled, "Damn it..."

                                                                                 .    .   .

Snow crunched beneath my feet as I walked down the darkened sidewalk. My teeth chattered and my lips had turned slightly blue, a puff of white smoke softly leaving my lips. I turned the corner quickly, staggering across the street as I struggled towards a graveyard.

     "Hey, watch out!"

I turned my head immediately, letting out a gasp as lights flashed towards me. A car swerved, almost tipping over as it sped past me. Shaking me head, I sprinted down the road. I slowed down when I reached the gates of the graveyard, looking down and examining each tombstone carefully.

I stopped near a rather dusty one. It appeared to have been abandoned, or at least, not visited in a while. I stared at the engravings, tracing my fingers over the letters that marked the stone.

     "Hey Gabe," I hiccuped. "How ya been?"

My eyes dropped. I wanted an answer, but I knew I'd never get one. I closed my eyes, letting the crisp breeze nip at my ankles and blow my coat to the side. 

     "It's been, quite lonely." I murmured, "Overwatch was recalled..."

I looked up at the sky, inhaling deeply as I struggled not to break down. My bottom lip quivered as I spoke, "It doesn't feel...the same, without you around." I shivered, "Ana's alive and well, she came back to us. But...Jack."

I let myself fall onto my knees. I leaned forward, pressing my forehead against the cold stone. I tried my best to repress everything. I wanted to forget what happened, I wanted to forget the pain.

     "Jesse asked me out," I mumbled. "My stupid self said 'yes'."

     3rd POV

In the darkness, sheltered by the tall trees, a shadow loomed over the ground. Or what it a man? Whatever it was, it seemed to be watching the young woman intently. (Y/N) seemed to not even notice the drop in the temperature as it crawled closer, just enough to see her face. As the figure began to materialize, it removed a shotgun from its belt and aimed it at the woman's head.

As (Y/N) raised her head, the stranger stopped. He looked taken aback, surprised that she would even be here. He shook his head, he had a job to do. Raising the barrel of his weapon again, his finger lightly pressed the trigger, just enough to refrain from shooting. His hand was shaking. Why was he hesitating? Before he could react, (Y/N) turned her head in his direction. Startled, he immediately blended into the shadows, and slipped away.

     Your POV

I blinked rapidly, rubbing my eyes profusely as I gazed into the trees. "Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing into the distance. "Probably just an animal..." I turned back to the tombstone, sighing as I struggled to stand up.

     "I should get back, before Lena blows up the entire base looking for me." I kissed my fingers, reaching out and touching the grave. "Goodnight, Commander Re-Gabriel..."

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