Chapter 15: The Pharaoh's Eye

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     "Athena? Have you seen Morrison lately?" I called out to the AI, pressing a stack of papers against my chest, "Captain Amari requested I return these documents."

     "I do not believe I have," the soft, vibrating voice of Athena sounded over the intercoms.

     "Well, damn." I sighed, "I'll find him, eventually."

I mumbled nonsense as I continued to trudge down the corridor. I love Overwatch, I really do. But sometimes I question whether or not the recall was worth it. I mean come on! We're stuck on base almost all day, every day!

     "Stupid paperwork, stupid—!" I yelped, dropping my papers as I ran into a heavy hunk of metal. 

I groaned, rubbing my face and looking up. Pharah looked down at me, eyebrows raised. "S-sorry," my voice muffled. "At least your armor's strong, no dents..."

The Egyptian soldier scowled, causing me to gulp nervously. Finally, she chuckled and smiled kindly. "Don't worry about it," she patted me on the back. "Can I help you with anything?"

     "Well, yes, actually." I bent down, piling the cluttered papers together rather tentatively. "I was looking for—."

     "Morrison?" Pharah nodded, "He went out for a bit, said he needed to clear his head. He should be back in an hour, if you want to wait here."

     "Out? Doesn't he know it's not safe for him to go outside?" 

     "Apparently not," Pharah shrugged. "Supposedly he's just walking around the outskirts of the base."

I bowed my head politely, getting ready to leave when she grabbed my arm. "(Y/N)? May I speak with you?" 

     "Oh, of course."

She hesitated, "How come you've been waking up late? Are you sick?" I froze, the hairs on my neck standing up. My blood ran cold, and sweat began to leave my pores.

     "Uh,, I'm not sick." I looked away furtively, doing everything, thinking of anything to get away.

     "Are you sure?" Pharah narrowed her eyes, "You've also been talking to yourself lately. At one in the morning, any explanation for that?"

I swallowed, a dry pain shooting through my throat as it seemed to close in on itself. "Oh, I to a good friend. Yeah, his time zone is...different than ours?"

     "Oh really, what's his name?"

     "Re—err, I mean...Jeff?" I smiled broadly, crossing my fingers behind my back.

     "(Y/N)..." She shook her head, "Look, I don't know what game you're playing, or what you're hiding but please." She gripped my shoulder, "Don't do anything that'll put your life at risk."

     "Of course, Pharah."

I sighed in relief as she walked passed me, leaving me alone in the corridor. "By the way, (Y/N), I have eyes everywhere." She chuckled in amusement, "I am like the Pharaoh around here." 

      "Liar," I stuck out my tongue. "That's your mother's job."

                               .   .   .

     "Jack?" I knocked on his door, "C'mon, open up."

I was startled when the door opened, almost on command. Jack looked down at me, and geez did he look horrible. He looked like he'd been hit by a bus. His eyes were bloodshot, and his skin was a ghostly pale. 

     "Sir? Have you slept at all today?"

He blinked slowly, his head turning to the side like a haunted doll. "I'm fine," he rasped. I grimaced as he wiped what appeared to be a chunk of crusted vomit from his mouth. 

     "No offense sir, but you look like a train wreck."

     "I said, I am fine." He growled, furrowing his brow.

I shivered uncomfortably. I watched him turn around and walk further into the darkness of his room. I stepped in through the threshold, my nostrils flaring immediately. It smelled of sweat, vomit and alcohol. His bedsheets were disheveled, and a smashed beer bottle lay at the foot of the bed.

My stomach twisted as a faint smirk forced itself onto my face. I didn't know why, but seeing the once great golden boy of America in this state was...amusing.

     "Tell me, what do you think of me?" Jack pushed the curtains apart.

     "Pardon?" I blinked in confusion.

     "You heard me," the veteran crossed his arms behind his back. "It's a simple question, Agent (L/N)."

     "Well sir, you're an honorable leader." I choked on the last few words.

He  remained silent, placing his hand over the glass. "And Angela?" I raised an eyebrow, chewing the inside of my cheek. 

     "I mean, I'm sure she thinks the same." I said, leaning on my left leg with my hands on my hips.

76 hiccuped, stifling a drunken belch. He held his head, groaning as he rested his forehead against the window. 

     "You may go," he murmured. 

I stepped back, "Of course." My hand reached behind me for the doorknob, "Feel better, Commander."

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