Chapter 29: I Thought I Knew You

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     "And where have you two been?" Ana raised an eyebrow, hands on her hips.

Jesse and I exchanged glances. But before I could explain, his opened his big mouth. "We were explorin' a haunted hallway." He smiled, sticking his tongue between his teeth, "And we saw ghosts! Big ones they were and-!"

I punched him in the gut, "Jesse, darlin', just...stop." I let my shoulders drop, "We didn't see any ghosts, but...I did wander down some dark corridor." I shrugged, "If it was haunted, I wouldn't be surprised."

     "Why d'ya always gotta ruin my fun?"

     "Can we just get back to the main reason we even came here?" Genji murmured, walking up behind Ana.

     "Yer date with Angela can wait, Gengu." McCree sneered.

Genji remained still. "Do not call me that," he grumbled, covering his face with a hand and looking away.

My attention was drawn away from Ana's voice, eyes wandering towards a figure standing in the corner. He was talking to two other men, his back turned to us. I made sure the others weren't watching before slipping away.

     "Excuse me, pardon me!" I stopped in the middle of the crowd when he turned towards, staring at me from over his shoulder.

I knew those eyes, dark and so familiar. The same pair of eyes that haunted my dreams. But now, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I recognized those eyes, but at the same time, it felt like a stranger was staring at me.

He resumed his conversation, turning away from me. I bit my lip, holding my hands up to my face in deliberation. Did I go after him? Or did I stay put? I inched closer, pretending to stare out a window while keeping an eye on him from the corner of my eye.

     "Can I, help you?"

    "Oh, no sorry. I was just-Ah!" I turned around, only to jump when I noticed who the voice belonged to, "G-Gabriel! I mean...I didn't-Hi?"

His eyebrows raised slightly, "How do you know my name?" My heart sank. He really didn't remember me.

     "Gabe, don't act stupid. You know me." 

He narrowed his eyes, "Excuse me?" I gulped, shrinking back with a cheeky smile. He leaned back on his heels, folding his arms.

     "I um, didn't mean to offend. I just thought..." I rubbed my arms, "I just thought were someone I knew." 

His brow raised slightly, "Oh? Perhaps I can help you find your friend." I stepped back, trembling uncomfortably.

     "You...Gabriel!" I stomped my foot, "Look me in the eye, and tell me you don't know me! You're Gabriel Reyes!"

     "I'm sorry, I don't." 

He turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand. "Please," I whined. "It's me! It's (Y/N)! Your old Lieutenant? Your friend?"

I gasped as he backed me into a corner, looming over me as I cowered in front of him. "Look, I don't have time for your pathetic statements. Gabriel Reyes is dead."

*Slap!* I let my hand collide with the side of his face. His head jerk to the side, and the action itself earned a few gasps from the crowd.

     "Goddamn you!" I cried out, "For once your goddamn life, let me speak to Gabriel! Can't you put this damn Reaper facade for one minute!?"

He reached up, rubbing his cheek before turning to me ever so slowly. His eyes were wide, and his lips were curled in a frown.

     "How can you stand there, and pretend as if I don't exist?" I whimpered, "What did she do to you?"

I squeaked as he slammed his fist on the wall, inches beside my head. "That man, is dead. You are confused, the man you are seeking has long died."


     "And even if he, were alive, I'm sure he would have moved on from someone like you." He growled, "Besides, I have loved once before."

My cheeks flushed red at his words, but I looked down so he wouldn't see. "What was" I whispered.

     "It' a lie. People swear to you that it is eternal, that it never dies." He scoffed, letting his hand slide down the wall's surface and back at his side, "Everything dies, everything must come to an end. And so does love."

     "That's not true!" I covered my mouth almost immediately. He stared at me quizzically, so I continued, "I someone. He doesn't know though, he may never know. Especially...after tonight."

He stepped back for a moment. I felt his eyes on me, but I couldn't meet his gaze. He sighed, and when I looked up, his back was turned to my as he walked away.

Something inside me snapped that night, but I didn't know what. I clenched my fists until my knuckles turned white. 

I let a pitiful cry rip past my vocal chords. I heard the spurs of Jesse's boots as he pushed past the crowd to reach me.

     "Darlin'! What happened? Who's attackin' ya?"

I grabbed the hem of his suit, pulling him down to face level. "Woah there, if ya wanted a kiss, ya could'a jus' asked."

     "Now's not the time for sweet talking, Jess!" I tightened my grip on his clothing, "She took him away from me. We need to find this goddamn whore and kick her to the ground!"

Jesse's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped. "Wow, yer hot when yer mad-Ow!" He rubbed his head furiously, "What'd ya go and do that for?"

     "Not now, Jesse!" I shook him violently, "Now where's Ana?"

     "God! She's outside!" He fell back onto his heels as I let him go, arms raised defensively.

I pushed past him and ran outside to the garden. Jesse blinked rapidly a few times, frozen in place and staring at the wall. 

     "Still hot when she's mad."

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