Chapter 18: Immorality

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     3rd POV

She sat alone at her desk, the dim lights flickering on and off. The only light that illuminated the dark room, was the soft glow of the computer screen in front of her. Her blue eye seemed to rotate in her head, while the red blinked quietly.

Her long fingernails jabbed at the keyboard in front of her furiously. She didn't even look up at the knock on her door, only brushing back her finger hair quietly. 

     "Come in," was all she said.

He stepped in, his long black coat trailing behind him as he left wafts  of mist with each step forward.   

     "You wanted me," Reaper sat on a long metal bed, arms folded as he slouched over his knees.

The woman smiled to herself, grabbing a tablet and writing something with a stylus. "Why yes, it is time for your daily...check up."

Reaper gave a snort of annoyance before turning his head. He listened to her push out her chair and stand up, walking over to the examination table he was seated on.

She continued to write down some things on her tablet before aggressively yanking on his arm. She placed a small device on his finger, waited a moment, before taking it off and reading it.

     "You're oxygen levels seem to be off," she shrugged. "And your heart rate is slower than normal."

     "Moira," Reaper growled with malice.

     "Gabe, please." She smirked, tapping the end of her stylus on his mask which caused him to flinch away, "I know what I created. Last time I checked, I left you with a heart."

He seemed indignant to her response, but decided to let's it be. Without warning, she removed the mask and began feeling around on his face and neck. Reaper leaned back, his lip curling back in a snarl to show his unusually pointed canines.

     "Gabe, really." Moira scowled, "You need to relax."

He didn't like to be touched, let alone by this psychopath. He slapped her hand away and grimaced, "Don't touch me."

     "You make this harder than it needs to be," she sighed, rubbing her forehead furiously. "You're fine. Really Reyes, when have I ever lied to you?"

He didn't even want to answer that statement. His ruby eyes examined her up and down before narrowing.

     "Very interesting," Moira flashes a light in his eyes, causing him to growl in discomfort. "When you're mad, your scleras seem to turn from white to black."

Reaper grabbed her wrist, pulling it down and pulling her closer. "I said, do not, touch me!" He let her go, pulling his hood farther over his head.

     "I didn't." The woman shrugged before walking over to a tray of needles and small bottles full of strange liquids.

     "If you dare inject me with—!"

     "Or what, Gabriel?" Moira sighed, amusement laced in her voice. She enjoyed the man's agony, that was certain, "You'll suck my soul out?"

     "You're not worth it," he grumbled.

Moira gave a hum of satisfaction as he flicked on the barrel of a needle with her nail. She walked over to him, pulling his hood down and moving his coat aside.

     "What do you think you're doing?" Reaper reaches for her arm again but she reached with her free hand and held it above his head.

     "Don't worry about it," she muttered.

Reaper hissed, his neck burning for a moment as she stabbed the needle into his skin before removing it. He shoved her away, rubbing his neck pitifully.

     "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" She washed the syringe before dumping it into a biohazard container. "You really do overreact."

Reaper's eyes clouded for a moment, his brain seeming to malfunction for three seconds. He shook his head vigorously, blinking his eyes as he regained composure.

     "How do you feel?"

     "Ergh, the hell did you do?"

     "The same as usual," Moira said confidently, scrubbing her hands under hot water. "I don't know what's worse, Talon Reaper or Blackwatch Reyes."

     "Blackwatch?" Reaper blinked, "You really do have a twisted imagination, don't you?"

Moira smiled devilishly to herself, shutting off the water before shaking her hands over the sink. "Isn't it grand?"

She put on a pair of gloves, walking over and pressing her fingers on either side of his neck. Reaper flinched, his claws scraping at the metal below him. She pressed against his jugular vein, nodding curtly before stepping back.

     "The great Commander of Blackwatch," Moira purred. "Remember anything?"

     "What are you talking about...?" Reaper grumbled, pushing himself off the table and onto his feet. "I would never."

Moira raised an eyebrow, taking out her tablet and jotting some notes down. "Tell me, what happened during the Venice incident?"

     "What incident?" He looked over at her curiously, "You're speaking gibberish, stop that."


     "What about him?" Gabriel growled, "Jack Morrison killed him years ago during a heist in Rialto."

Moira smiled, "Excellent. It's working then." She walked over to her tray of goodies and began sorting them.

     "What's working?" Reaper demanded an answer, "Answer me!"

     "Stop worrying, darling." She let her lips twisted into a sadistic smile.

Opening a cabinet, she tucked away a small bottle, the same bottle containing the concoction  she had given the mercenary. It read; Memory Serum.

     "You know what you do here is completely immoral, right?" Reaper adjusted his mask back on.

      "I suppose," Moira shuffled through some more viles and syringes. "But isn't all science just full of immorality?"

Reaper hesitated. His shoulders tensed as he stood in place, watching the woman hum to herself as she worked. He reached up, rubbing a claw over the small cut in his neck. He had heard of the Venice incident before, but no matter how hard he strained his mind, his brain just couldn't remember.

     "So, how's that girl (Y/N)?"

     "What?" Reaper's head shot up immediately, "Why do you care?"

     "Just wondering," Moira shrugged. "For research...purposes."

She seemed disappointed, but he couldn't tell why. "How many more of these, 'treatments', do you need anyway?"

     "Oh, just a few." She turned to him and smiled, tapping her fingertips together. "You may go now."

Reaper eyed her skeptically before backing up towards the door. He reached behind him blindly for the doorknob, turning it as he stepped outside.

     "And don't forget!" Moira called out to him, "If you feel yourself beginning to remember anything, don't forget to come to me!"

I love you guys! This book surprisingly is ranked #81 out of 1.9k Overwatch stories. And yes, I think you can tell what Moira's doing to my precious edgelord. Hopefully he doesn't forget about us, ah well.

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