Chapter 23: Abandoned

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Standing outside the door to my room, I took a quick breath before reaching for the doorknob. I slowly opened the door, gripping a med-kit beneath my arm.

     "Reaper, I brought--!" I dropped everything when I noticed he was missing.

I ran to the window and opened it, leaning over the edge and looking out into the darkened sky. "Reaper? Reaper!" 

I let my hands slide off the windowsill, and fall to my sides. Where'd you go, Gabriel? I sighed, rubbing my upper arm and turning around.  

     "What's with all the yelling?" My head shot up at that familiar growl.


He peered down at me. I never noticed how tall he was until now. Trims of black smoke poked out from the sides of his mask. His arms were folded, moonlight glinting off of the sharp spikes on his gauntlets.

     "Thank you, for helping me." 

I blinked solemnly, "You're...welcome." I looked away, biting my lip. I couldn't look at him. I didn't want to.

     "Do you still miss him?"

My head shot up immediately, "Who?" I tried to avoid the question, fearing I'd slip up and say something I wouldn't want him to know.

     "You know who I'm talking about," Reaper said.

     "I-Of course I do," I held my hands in front of me and looked down. Yet, you're right in front of me...

     "Mhm," he seemed to think for a moment. "I can see why he cared for you so much."

     "Huh?" I questioned, "What do you mean?"

     "Commander Reyes," Reaper murmured. "He cared about you, a lot."

I blushed, letting my eyelids drop as I looked down again. "You're a strong, amazing young woman, (Y/N)."

I shook my head, looking down even further to hide the fact that my cheeks were bright red, and that my eyes glistened with tears. "I'm glad you, think so."

     "Thank you, for not being...afraid of me."

     "Huh?" I stepped closer to him, "What are you saying? Why would I be afraid of you?"

Reaper scoffed, a hint of amusement laced in his gravelly voice. "You read my case files, did you not?"

     "Well, um, yes." 

      "Heh," he eyed me curiously, but behind his mask hid a sad look.

     "Where were you?" I asked, tapping my foot. "Reaper?"

He didn't answer me, just ghosted past before stopping to stand at the open window. "I've made up my mind, I'm leaving."

     "Wha-No, you're not." I scowled, "You're not ready, your wounds haven't healed and--!"

     "I'm not a child!" He whirled around on me, his large figured towering over mine with his claws unsheathed. "It's better this way, anyways."

It took me a moment to realize what he was getting at, "You mean, you're not...coming back? Ever?"


My throat felt like it closed in on itself as I inhaled for air, "But, you can't!" I grabbed the hem of his coat, "No!! You're staying, here!"

He grunted, grabbing my wrists and lifting them above my head. He brought his face eye level with mine, so close that I could see his scarlet eyes behind the mask. I could hear his breathing, it was labored and staggered. 

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