A Little Sneak Peek

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There'll probably be 7 more chapters to this book, and I'm already getting ideas together for another one. It's being inspired by the tale "Beauty and The Beast". I would say "Bride of the Lindorm King", but this is obviously written in a much more modern time than that.


"If I may ask: What's with the girl, Gabriel?"

Reaper looked up rather slowly, hands clasped together on the desk he sat at. It looked like a scene from a horror movie. Many agents had begun to file out of the large meeting room, leaving only him and an omnic.

"That is none of your business, Maximilian." His voice was low and hollow, "Do not worry you tin can, she won't be a problem."

The omnic chuckled softly, standing up from his seat and walking over to the large window that overlooked Venice. He brushed his tie, holding his hands behind his back.

"So? What do you intend to do wither her?"

Reaper lifted up his mask to pick something from his teeth. "Like I said, it's none of your business."

"You know, I've always thought of women as...simple play things." Maximilian hummed quietly, "Oh I see, you're bored are you not? You need someone to pleasure you?"

Reaper let his claw drop back onto the table with a thud. "If you mean her cries of terror, then sure."

"Ah, Gabriel, always so...violent." Maximilian said slyly, "I'm surprised she hasn't cowered at the state of you."

Reaper looked ahead, all emotions concealed behind the mask. "She has," he grunted. "Not that I expected any different, though."

"As I expected," Maximilian spoke coolly. "I don't see how anyone could accept an abomination like-"

"I think you've said quite enough," Reaper grumbled. 

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