Chapter 25: Fear Drives You

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I stood out on the balcony to my room, resting my arms and leaning over the railing. A full moon shown bright in the sky, streaming into the room as a soft breeze blew the curtains. I stared blankly ahead, eyes have lidded as a quit sigh escaped my mouth. I looked over towards the chair at the end of my bed, in the far corner of the room.

I remembered Reaper, or Gabe, sitting there with his arms folded and legs crossed.  

     "So, what's it like?" I had asked, eyes wide. It was like I hadn't even realized who I was talking to.

     "What's 'what' like?" He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, the light from my lamp illuminating the pearly surface of his mask.

I hesitated, " know?" I chewed on the inside of my lip, looking down at the papers in my hands, "This?"

He stared at his own case files and laughed, "It's a dark world out there, kid." Reaper leaned back again, resting his hands behind his head, "The jobs harder than its cut out to be."

     "How so?"

     "You ask to many questions."

     "Well, I'm sorry for being so curious," I huffed. "And I'm not, a kid!"

     "You look like one to me."

I glowered at him, stomping over to stand over his figure. "Why I outta...!" I flinched as he stood up, his shadow looming over mine as he looked down at me.

     "You outta, what?" He sneered, "Are you...scared?"

I backed away until my hips hit the edge of the bed. "I-I am not!" I pouted, crossed my arms and looking away.

     "Psh, sure you aren't." His voice sounded almost...sad, "Everyone's, afraid of me."

     "That can't be true," I tilted my head.

I looked up at him, my chest tightening. "I-I'm not..." I slowly walked towards him, each step taking me closer. Each step causing my blood to run cold. 

I inhaled slowly, reaching up to cup his mask with my hand. The room got quiet, and all I could hear was the sounds of our mixed breathing.

      "See? I'm not afraid."

Reaper hummed in approval, his cold claw covering my hand. I flinched as wisps of smoke lapped at my ankles and shoulders, but I didn't move away. I felt drawn to him. I, with him. My heart thumped painfully in my chest. He was so close to me. 

     "Close your eyes," he murmured, though through his tone it was clearly an order.

Now, for any normal person, this should have thrown up red flags. A killer, ordering you to close your eyes. But we've been over this, I'm not entirely normal. So I did. Reaper slowly used his other claw, raising it to his face, and slowly pulled his mask up half way. He leaned forward, so close that I could feel his breath on my skin.

I froze. I felt his cold lips against mine, and it took all my willpower not to open my eyes. I gave in and kissed him back. For a moment, I seemed to forget everything. I forgot about Gabriel and Overwatch. I forgot about the world.

Unconsciously, I pulled away from him, eyes still closed, and buried my flushed face in his chest. His armor jostled as he put his arms around me, holding me tight against his body.

     "Sorry," his raspy voice whispered into my ear.

     "I...don't be," I shook my head.

     "I should go."

My arms caved in on themselves as his body evaporated into mist. I stood still, not lifting my head as he slipped out the window, and into the foreboding night.

Now I stood, alone, staring at that same night sky. "(Y/N), dear, what are you doing up so late?" 

     "Ah!" I jumped, startled to see Captain Amari standing behind me. "A-Ana?" 

     "Are you alright?" She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, concern present in her good eye.

      "Can't sleep," I murmured, looking back out into the night.

     "Ah yes, insomnia often haunts me as well." Ana sighed, folding her hands behind her back, "It's all to familiar experience."

     "Do you think, Gabe ever had insomnia?"

Ana hummed, her shoulders lifting in a shrug. "Don't we all?" She closed her eyes, smiling as the gentle breeze washed across her face, "I'm sure even now, he does."

      "Wh-How would he...?" I stared at her, a nervous smile forming on my face.

      "I'm sure even the Reaper has bad nights," Ana winked.

      "How did you-?"

      "I met him once," Ana sighed. "Unmasked him."

I sighed, resting my chin on my arms. "Did you know he'd come visit? At night?" I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my mouth, "Every night."

     "Oh (Y/N), you should know by now that nothing goes on around here that I don't notice."

     "I thought it was a petty schoolgirl crush," I grumbled. "But...I feel like I..."

Ana chuckled, "Trust me, I already know." I slowly turned towards her, a faint blush burning my cheeks.

     "N-No, don't say it..."

     "Alright, then you say it."

I hesitated. My shoulders trembled, and my throat felt dry. I shook my head vigorously, banging my fist on the railing of the balcony. My heart clenched around itself. It felt like it was caught in my throat, almost choking me.

     "I love him," I murmured. "I love him, but...I-I love Reaper too."

     "Well? Yes," Ana rubbed my back. "But they're the same person. You don't love two different men, you simply love both sides of the same person." She smiled kindly, "You can see past the dark void that everyone else sees."

     "I miss him," I whispered softly. "I'm afraid."

     "Afraid?" Ana questioned.

     "I'm afraid I'm losing him." I admitted, "Something's happening, he's not acting right." I shivered with unease.

     "Then let's get to the bottom of it," Ana suggested.

My head whipped around to look at her. "What?" I stared, eyes wide, "Ana, I don't know if you noticed but-?"

     "I'm willing to help you," she said as a matter of fact. "I want to bring Gabriel back to the light, just as much as you do."

I smiled faintly, wiping a tear that fell from the corner of my eye. She pulled me into a hug, patting my back softly. 

     "First, you need rest." She guided me towards the bed, "I'll contact Jesse and Genji in the morning."

Before she could leave, I gripped her wrist. "Wait," I paused. "We need a lead...and, I think I've found one."

     "Hmm?" Ana's eyebrows raised in curiosity. 


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