Chapter 26: Suspicions

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      "Not to offend you, er-Captain, but...why exactly are we here?"

Ana raised an eyebrow as Jesse, and the room fell silent. "An', why is Genji here?" At the sound of his name, Genji's head shot up.

     "Is McCree drunk again?" 

     "Wha-? Ah would never-!"

     "Oh my God, both of you just shut up!" I threw my hands on the table in front of us, "Jesse, we reminded you of this several times. How hard is it for you to retain information?"

The cowboy picked at his ear and shrugged, leaning back to rest his boots on the table. "This is all besides the point," Ana placed her pistol on the table. "(Y/N), what did you want to say?"

     "Thank you, Ana." I nodded quietly, "I asked for the two of you, because we all used to work together, remember?"

     "Yeah? An'?"

     "This." I slid a vanilla folder towards Jesse.

He squinted curiously, taking a quick look before opening it. Inside were the files and records of a specific agent; Moira O'Deorian.

     "Hmph," Jesse scoffed. "So what? Never liked workin' with her."

     "Reaper, something's wrong with Reaper."

     "Pft, an' why d'ya care 'bout that son of a-?"

     "Jesse!" Ana scolded.


I shook my head. "Jesse, Genji, listen to me." I cleared my throat, "Reaper, he's-There's something about him, that..."

     "Commander Reyes, is not lost." Ana murmured.

Jesse's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. "Wait, yer sayin'? Gabe? Reaper?" He looked completely shaken up, "Wait, so...that b-stard that tried t'kill me, is...Reyes?"

     "Yes, and no." I flipped through the files on the table, "Moira, she did something. She was a genetic scientist, a dedicated one at that."

     "Yeah, to dedicated." Jesse rolled his eyes, "Every mornin' she kept askin' me fer blood samples. How much blood does one woman need?"

     "Anyway," I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "We have reason to believe she had been...'experimenting', on Gabriel while she worked for us."

Genji's head looked down, the green light of his visor dimming slightly. It was like he knew something he wasn't telling  us.

     "One day," he began slowly. "Doctor O'Deorian asked me to stop by her lab intervention. I found Reyes in there, sitting on a lab table."

I stepped back from the table, backing slowly into a wall. "When I left, I turned back because I heard the Commander complaining about something," Genji continued. "This weird, black smoke, wafted out from underneath the door. I assumed it was just smoke from a fire, or something."

     "I remember some weird drug she had," Jesse grimaced. "She got pissed cause I knocked the damn jar onto the floor."

     "What did it say?"

     "I dunno, somethin' 'bout memory."

My eyes widened for a moment, and the hair on my arms stood up. "That would explain why he didn't remember Blackwatch," I rubbed my chin curiously. "But why would she-? I don't understand..."

Everyone stared me. Ana had a look of worry drape across her features. "Does anyone remember when the old man would forget little things?" Jesse inquired, "Like, Genji, remember when he forgot to give Morrison those files?"

     "Or when he forgot about the meeting before Venice?" I felt sick to my stomach.

     "So, ya think she's erasin' his memory?"

     "I think so," I murmured. "But, why?"

     "Weren't you the one that got her fired?" Genji asked.

I looked up from my position across the room, "Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he meant.

     "Remember when you got one of her experiments exposed?"

     "And Jack got all pissed and kicked her out."

     "That was an accident!" I said defensively, "It's not my fault she left her stuff out in the open!"

     "Everyone!" Ana chimed in, "Calm yourselves."

The old captain folded her hands behind her back, chin high. "If what (Y/N) and Jesse are suggesting is true, then I fear it's only a matter of time before Reyes forgets all of us. If the last  sliver of remembrance left is destroyed-"

     "He'll be gone forever," I stood in stunned silence.

I looked around. My head felt cloudy, and heavy, and my hearing seemed to be fading in and out. He'll be gone forever.


     He won't remember you, he'll hate you. You'll never be with him, she's going to erase you from his existence.

     "Ugh, Captain Amari? She doesn't look so good."


I fell to the floor, smashing my head in the table. The impact caused my vision go blurry, before blackness bled into view all together.


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