Chapter 12: Come With Me

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I slept on the bed beside Hana while Mei lay on the couch across the room. My chest rose and fall slowly with each breath I took, a soft snore leaving my parted lips every few minutes. 

     "(Y/N)," a husky voice called my name. "(Y/N), get up."

My eyes fluttered open, cloudiness blotting my vision from drowsiness. "Hmm?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes before sitting up, "Wha—?"

My eyes widened slightly as I stared ahead of me. The double doors that led out to the balcony of Hana's room was open, moonlight streaming in through the swaying curtains. 

     "G-Gabe?" The former Blackwatch Commander stood in the doorway, pushing the curtains aside before turning towards me.

     "Hey," he gave me his usual smirk. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

I rubbed my eyes furiously, but the image of him wouldn't leave my vision. "This can't be real," I whimpered. "You're dead, I know I'm just dreaming..."

    "But it doesn't have to be that way," Gabe walked over to the edge of the bed, causing me to sit up quickly. 

His callused hand gently cupped my cheek, running his thumb just beneath my eye. I slowly reached down, pinching my hand, but nothing happened. 

     "Gabe," I croaked, reaching out for him.

He chuckled, pulling me to my feet and into his arms. I buried my face in his chest, taking slow, staggered breaths. I slowly turned my head, pressing my cheek against his shoulder as I watched Hana sleep peacefully. How was she not awake? She had to hear all this, right?

     "I've missed you," I whimpered. "I felt so alone without you."

     "I know." Gabriel rubbed my back comfortingly, "But you don't have to worry anymore, I'm here now."

     "No," I sighed. "I know I'm just dreaming, I saw you." My bottom lip quivered, "I saw your body, lifeless."

     "But this doesn't have to be a dream," he whispered. "You can come with me."

I looked up slowly, "What?" I blinked curiously, "I can't. We can't. That's not possible, I told you..."

     "Tsk, tsk." Gabriel shook her head, a sly smile creeping its way onto his face. "You always were one to ask so many questions."

I gripped the strings of his hoodie, resting my forehead against his chest as I cast my eyes down. "How can I go with you?"

He pulled me towards the balcony. "S-sir?" I stopped, letting go of his hand and looking away, "I...I need to tell you, something."

     "What is it?" He turned towards me, eyebrows raised.

     "I...I've always sort of...." I hesitated, fiddling with my thumbs, "I didn't tell you were my superior but...I've always sort of lo-."


I looked up quickly, heart twisting painfully when I realized Gabriel was gone. "Who are you talking to?" Mei sat up from the cough, brows furrowed.

     "Nobody..." I blinked sadly, "I wasn't  talking to anybody..."

I made my way back towards the bed, sitting on the edge and sighing. "Are you sure you're okay?" Mei walked up to my side and placed a hand on my shoulder, "It looked like you were sleep walking."

     "No, I just—I haven't been feeling myself lately," I rubbed my temple. "Dr. Ziegler said I was okay though, so don't worry about me."

I looked over her shoulder at the open window, eyes scanning the room in front of me. Reaper wasn't here either. Even after finding out what he really was, a part of me still wished to see him.

     "What are you looking for?" Mei looked around, "Do you want me to get something to drink?"

     "No," I sighed. "It's nothing. Look, tell Hana it's nothing personal. I had a great time, but...I'm gonna go back to my room."

                                                 .   .   .

     3rd POV

He watched her sleep, humming in satisfaction at the sound of her soft snores. He let whisps of smoke escape his mouth as he sighed. He had missed her, unable to catch her before sleep took over. 

He reached down, gently brushing back her hair with a cold claw. He let his hand trail down, stopping at her shoulder before pulling away. How he wanted to remove his mask and show her. He returned to softly stroking her cheek with his knuckles, a gentle purr rumbling in his chest. 

He suddenly yanked his hand away, throwing it up and clutching his chest almost painfully. He wasn't going to let this pitiful woman win him over. That was not an option. He had lost his chance all those years ago, guilty of ignoring her affections. But he had good reason. He had been her commanding officer, a superior, and she was his subordinate. 

If their relationship had gone past anything but, it would have been considered highly inappropriate, against protocol. But at the same time, a part of him had returned those affections. He had loved her joyful laugh, and her friendly company. If only he had gone to her, at least once. Moira's "treatments" was destroying him. (Y/N) had offered a hand of comfort, but he shut her out everytime.

Reaper turned his attention to a paper on her desk, dread creeping through his veins. It was his case file, a police report inquiring each and every crime he had committed. She knew. She would never love him now. But it wouldn't even matter. She saw him as Reaper, not Gabriel Reyes. Gabriel Reyes was dead. And she couldn't not fall in love with Reaper, either. It wasn't safe. It would only cause her more pain, and he knew he would never be able to live with the guilt. More than he already carried.

He turned to leave when a hand reached out and gripped the hem of his trench coat. Reaper froze, turning his head to stare at the sleeping girl. "...Don't go."

The phantom almost panicked, until he realized she must have been sleep talking. He wondered what she was dreaming about. Then it hit him. She was dreaming about him.

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