Chapter 22: Remembrance (Part 2)

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Pain. His skin tingled and his breathing felt forced. He shook his head, hunched over on his bed while rubbing his hands down his face. He pressed his palms together beneath his nose, staring out at the wall in front of him.

     "You good?" Moira's voice startled the Commander, causing him to jump and almost draw his guns. "Relax darling, it's just me."

     "G-Get away from me," Reyes trembled violently, like his body wasn't able to support any body heat. Never before had he seemed so...vulnerable.

     "It's time for your check up," Moira stated firmly. "You know this has to be done."

     "But, why me?" Gabriel half growled, half whimpered. 

     "Because, Gabe, you're the only one willing to open up your mind to me." She smiled, "You're the only one willing to let go in front of me."

The Commander lowered his head, fingers gripping the bedsheets tightly. He flinched every time Moira inched closer, his toes curling inside his boots.

     "Why?" He murmured, "Why did I hit her? I would never hurt (Y/N)."

     "Must be a simple side effect," Moira said firmly, pulling on a pair of gloves. "Mood swings. You're fine, really."

She turned towards him, waving her hand as a signal for him to pull off his hoodie and shirt. He hesitated, shaking arms stripping himself of his upper clothing. He grimaced as she attached wires to his skin. 

Moira attached them to some machine, her hand gently resting on his shoulder. Gabriel looked down at his hands, or at least what he thought were his hands. Did he even have hands? His eyes widened.

     "Moira? What are you doing?" His voice came out strained, and almost cracked.

His hands were fading. In fact, so were his arms. "Moira!" She didn't listen to his protests, even as he tried to yank the wires off his body. She just continued to smile and jot down some notes on a clipboard.

     " I see," Moira bit the end of her pen. "Looks like I'll have to make some changes."

     "Changes?" Gabriel's head shot up, "What changes? Moira? Moira!"

                                                     .   .   .

     "Have you seen Commander Reyes?" I tilted my head up at Genji.

The cyborg blinked solemnly before shrugging. I sighed, "I'll go check his room..." I turned heels and almost sprinted down the hallway. 

I had to see him. I had to tell him it was okay, that I wasn't mad at him. "Sir?" I knocked on his door slowly, "Please open up."

     "G-Go away!"

I flinched. He sounded angry, and...terrified? "Sir? Are you feeling well?" No response. "I can go get Moira, is you need."


I jumped back as the door swung open, revealing a rather disheveled and paranoid Gabriel. His eyes were full of hysteria as he stared at me, seemingly processing who I was.


     "I-I'm s-sorry Sir," I clasped my hands together, "I just...wanted to check on you. I-It's okay, what happened. I'm not—?" 

He reached forward and pulled me into his room, slamming the door behind him. I squealed as he pinned me to the wall, his rough hand covering my mouth. Gabriel stared me in the eyes, his lips parted slightly as if he wanted to speak.

Remembrance (Overwatch: Reaper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now