Chapter 3: Loathing

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     "Wha-!?" I clutched my chest, heaving a staggered breathe as Lena jumped onto my shoulders. " scared me."

     "Sorry love!" She giggled, blinking in front of me. "Ange told me to give you these to give to Winston so he can give them to the old man!"

I blinked, lips parted slightly. I raised a finger as if I were going to speak, but I couldn't find the words. "Wait, what?"

     "Oops! Sorry love, must be the coffee." Lena smiled brightly before handing me a folder labeled, 'classified.'

     "So, Dr. Ziegler gave...who needs these?"

     "The old man!"

I flinched. Between us and Hana, the old man referred to Soldier: 76. I chewed on my lip nervously. "You know where his office is."

     "Yeah I do!" Tracer pouted, "But I promised to help Mei with one of her experiments."

     Damn it...

"I...understand," I held the documents up to my chest and nodded. I watched her blink away, leaving me alone in the empty corridor. 

I turned my head, shifting my gaze towards a door end the far end off the hall. On it was a sign that read, 'do not enter.' Narrowing my eyes, I have a huff of annoyance before trudging towards the vigilante's office. 

I suddenly paused before I could reach for the doorknob. My eyes looked down at the folder in my hands. Looking around, I lifted the cover just slightly to peek inside. Documents filled the folder, one in particular was crossed out in several places.

     "Come in."

I jumped, startled that he could even know I was there. I hadn't even knocked. Opening the door, I crept inside. 

     "What is it, agent?"

My entire body immediately tensed at the mere sound of his gravelly voice. Hatred boiled my blood, and my skin tingled with adrenaline.

     "Oxton wanted me to give you these," I grumbled, a hint of malice lingering in my tone.

     "Set then there," 76 motioned towards a table at the far end of the room.

I walked over to it went to place the folder on the desk before hesitating. Curiosity got the best of me, as I removed the scratches out document and shoved it into my pocket.

     "What's the matter with you today, agent?"

I inhaled sharply, "I have a name you know." Backing up from the table, I walked past him and towards the door.

     "I never gave you permission to leave."

     "I didn't know I needed permission."

I said this with more sass than I intended. "Don't take that time with me, Soldier." I heard 76 get up from his chair and make his way towards me with long strides. 

     "You still wear this, huh?"

I yanked my arm away as he tugged on the sleeve of a hoodie I was wearing. A Blackwatch hoodie.

     "So what?" I growled.

     "Look at me when I speak to you."

     "Why?" I kept my hardened gaze on the door. I refused to look at him. To look at the man in which I hated with the fury of a thousand suns.

     "Why?" 76 grunted, "I am your superior, your leading officer. You are to respect me and-"

     "Who said you were my superior!?" I whipped around harshly, jabbing my finger into his broad chest. "I refuse, to take orders, from you!"

      "How dare you-"

     "How dare I?" I lowered my voice, "Just because you magically come back from the dead, doesn't mean I have to listen to your sorry a**."

76 looked taken aback, or at least his body language said so. Barely anyone could read the man with that stupid visor of his.

     "Winston's the one who recalled all of us, I'll listen to him instead."

     "(Y/N), he's just a monkey."

     "He's not a monkey! He's a scientist!" I shook my head in disgust, "God, what the hell happened to you?"

     "I get're still upset about what happened at Swizterland." 76 sighed, "Look, I know you and Gabe were-"

I froze. Every bone in my body seemed to turn to ice. "Do not. Say. His. Name." I emphasized each word carefully, "You cannot possibly begin to understand me."

     "(Y/N), you need to move on." 

     "You're lucky we're allies," I hissed. "Otherwise, I'd kill you where you stand..."

With that, I turned towards the door and exited the room, slamming the door behind to leave a message. I heard the vigilante sigh, his footsteps fading as he walked to the other side of the room. 

I leaned against the door frame, throwing my head back as I closed my eyes. I quietly pulled the paper I stole out of my pocket. Well, I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it. Unraveling the paper, I scanned over the words that were readable.

     Criminal Name: Reaper          

     Base of Operations: Unknown

     Occupation: Wanted Terrorist         

Everything else was crossed out with permanent marker. Even his photograph. In fact, even with the parts I could see, the image didn't even look human. I shivered uncomfortably. All of a sudden, I felt as if I were being watched. It felt like my throat was closing and my breathing became labored.

I crumpled up the document against and shoved it back into my pocket. I sighed, regaining composure once more. Before I could do anything, I gasped. 

     "Damn, I forgot all about Jesse!"                                                                                                        

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