Chapter 24: Parasitic Insanity

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It was getting worse, and worse. It began as a simple comment, or the wrong thing said. But overtime, he started forgetting more specific things; such as his birthday, or his last name. He looked down at his claw slowly, turning his hand over so that his palm faced upwards. 

He had begun to fade, in fact his lower body had already vanished. Oh, and he couldn't forget the pain. The pain that resided in his head, and would not leave him alone. Every time he tried to remember something, it felt like it was eating away at his brain, and rotting his skull.

One memory in particular; her soft (e/c) eyes, and her innocent smile. Her flushed face each time she looked at him during training. The way she hid behind him during that incident in Venice, knowing she was protected with him around.

(Y/N)...(Y/N)? What was her name again? Reaper screamed, or at least, let out what sounded like a pained growl. He fell to the floor, claws scraping violently at the ground like nails on a chalkboard. He growled and groaned, sitting on his knees while holding his head.

He heaved for air, his lungs squeezing tightly as they seemed to close, depriving the wraith the ability to breathe. He let out a dry cough, which turned into a dry hacking. He threw his claw up to his mouth, choking on his own saliva as blood dripped from the corners of his fingers.

     "Relax, dear." Her calm voice spoke over the intercoms, "It's just a simple side effect."

Reaper had barely even noticed where he was. Moira had him sealed away in a small containment room, surrounded by steel walls with a dim light hanging from the ceiling. 

     "How do you feel?"

     "You....sick....b--ch!" His voice was long and ghostly, long and drawn out. 

     "Don't worry dear, you'll soon forget everything. You will no longer have to feel the pain of abandonment, and rejection." Moira smiled to herself, watching the cameras as one of Talon's leaders struggled to comprehend his fate, "I'll leave you alone, to your thoughts."

He reached out into the darkness, his face contorting painfully as he tried to speak. But he didn't. Instead, he turned around and smashed his hand against the wall behind him. His claws streaked blood across it's metal surface.

He pressed his back against it, sliding down so that he was in a sitting position. He pulled his mask off and hunched over, pulling his hood further over his eyes.

     "Moira," he croaked. "Moira! Answer me you psychopathic b--ch!" 

No answer. Reaper let out another angry cry before slamming his fist behind him. This time it left a dent in the wall.

     "Moira! O'Deorian!" Reaper clawed as his own arms, "Let me out of here! Now!"

For a murderous terrorist, never before had he felt so weak. He kicked and cried out, like a child having a temper tantrum. It was like a parasite was eating away at his sanity.

                                                                    .   .   .

Moira had been up all night, tapping irritably the screen of a tablet while mumbling gibberish under her breath. She reached up and bit a fingernail, examining what appeared to be vital signs in a virtual document. 

In the room below her, angry screams and growl could be heard, alongside the occasional banging. "It is for your own good, Gabriel."

She called out, her voice lifting into the air before echoing off into the distance. She heard a few curses and insults from the pained man, but nothing she couldn't handle. Just like Ameliè, he was her test subject. A simple lab rat.

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