Chapter 17: The Devil's Temptation

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     6 months later...

I sat alone in the dining hall, tapping my fingernail on the table. I rested my head on my palm, flipping through the pages of a book.

     "What are you reading there, dear?" Ana's calm voice hit me from behind, and her gentle hand lightly squeezed my shoulder.

     "(f/b)," I murmured, eyes skimming the pages. "Angela managed to have a copy and let me borrow it."

     "Jack's assigning missions for the day," she said. "You should—."

     "No," I spat, choosing not to meet her gaze, "I don't want to even be near that man."

     "(Y/N), you can't hold a grudge forever." 

I shook her hand off, returning to my reading. Over the course of a few months, things had gotten lonelier. Reaper had stopped coming to visit, and that shattered me. I thought he enjoyed my company, did he not? I certainly enjoyed his, but now he was gone too.

It was blondie's fault. That stupid old man always kept butting in. He ruins everything! I slammed my fist on the table, causing it to shake and jostle a glass of (f/d) to my left. 


I wanted to kill him. I was going to kill him. He took Gabriel from me, and now he took the only friend I thought I could confide in. That old b*stard has to pay. 

     "Go away, Ana." I grumbled, "I just want to be alone."

She sighed, turning away before walking over towards the sound of Reinhardt's voice. I rubbed my temple in irritability. God he was so stupid, why did he have to know everyone's business? So what if I wanted to stay up until one in the morning. It was none of his damn business!

But how? How could I possibly get rid of him, let alone get him alone to do so? I groaned, burying my face in my hands. I pressed my palm against my chest, trying to ease the clenching sensation that formed deep inside of me.

I let my hand wander down towards my thigh, my fingers shoving themselves inside the pocket of my pants. My fingers brushed over the smooth metal of a pocketknife. Soldier always came to the dining hall at 12:30. I looked at the clock, it wasn't 12:25. 

     I can, surely they would see.

I cleared my throat. Standing up, I pushed my chair out and walked over to the opening of a corridor. I leaned against the wall, staring at my feet and pretending to contemplate life. Five minutes seemed to drag out to five hours. How much longer did I have to wait?

     "I was thinking we move out at eight o'hundred hours." 

There he was, but who was he talking to? "I understand. I'll make sure Tracer and D.Va have plenty of supplies. And I'll keep an eye on them."

Angela. "Damn it," I cured under my breath. "Seriously...?" I sighed in defeat. She'd kill me herself if I tried anything. 

     "Give me a moment, Ange." He stepped back, turning around to walk towards his office.

I quickly slipped after him, keeping a steady pace behind him as to not be heard. He still had his back turned, fumbling with something on the desk. Now was the time. Biting my lip nervously, I inches closer, flinching when the floorboards creaked.

I hesitated, slowly walking forward and raising my hand above the back of his neck. My wrist trembled as I pressed myself against the wall, the tip of my weapon inches away from his skin. 

I clenched my teeth. I could see the bone that connected his neck to his spinal chord bulge as he bent over to dust off his pants. Right there, stay right there.

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