Chapter 28: The Shadows Speak

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     "I really don't get why we have t'do this," Jesse grumbled. "It's so stupid."

     "Oh, hush McCree." Ana slapped him on the back, "You look real handsome in a suit."

The cowboy grumbled, brushing his tux and adjusting his hat. Genji stood on the sidelines, playing with the suit that barely covered his metal body. He looked rather annoyed, but behind his faceplate was a playful smirk as he watched McCree complain.

     "And take that off," she snatched Jesse's hat playfully. "Not hats indoors, mister."

     "H-Hey!" Jesse raised his hands, but pulled back, knowing it was best not to mess with a military woman.     

     "Alright, spread out." Ana commanded, turning towards me, "If we're going to find O'Deorian, we won't do any good staying clustered together."

     "Ah, don't forget about me!" I pressed the com to hear Sombra's voice.

     "Yeah, whatever, what's the situation?"

     "Oh, they're here alright.

I turned around a corner, looking among the sea of guests. "Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me!" I pushed past several people, earning the occasional groan or disgusted reply. I finally stopped by a table full of punch and finger foods. 

     I'm gonna be here all night, what else do I have to lose?

I poured myself a drink and took a sip. I savored the cold liquid as it hit the back of my throat. "Enjoying the food, are we?"

I looked up, eyebrows raised as a young man stood in front of me. "That's a nice dress you got there."

     "I swear to God, you're worse than McCree." I looked down the (f/c) dress I wore, the sequins shimmering under the dim light of the ball room, "And you are?"

     "Nobody important," he smirked, backing me up into the table behind me. "You here alone, sweetheart?"

I looked around awkwardly, praying that I would find someone I knew. Nobody. Well, shit. I turned back to him and shrugged, "I mean, at the moment yes but-?"

      "Care to dance, then?"

I grimaced as he interlocked arms with me, looking down at me with a drunken smile. I smelled alcohol on his breath. Someone just end me now...please.

     "I'm sorry, I'm not-"

     "Why?" He leaned in closer, his bottom lip sticking out in a pout, "Got a boyfriend, or something?"

     "Look, sir, I don't mean to be rude but..." I shoved his chest, causing him to stumble backwards, "You're doing a horrible job at trying to pick up a girl. You sound like a rejected knock off version of my friend, Jesse. You're not attractive, at all. There's nothing attractive about a man who can't keep his mouth shut and you smell like an old man's bum."

     "Ooh, you're a feisty one. I like that."

     "I will break you." I growled, raising my knee up where the sun doesn't shine.

He seemed annoyed but defeated, and walked off. "Hm, feisty lady. I like that." I clenched my fist and whirled around furiously.

     "If one more drunken hobo tries to flirt with-!" 

     "Woah! It's jus' me!" Jesse raised his arms to cover his face, "Damn, what got ya wired all of o'sudden?"

I glared at him from the opposite side of the table before throwing the last of my punch onto his suit.

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