Chapter 34: Reunion

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I opened my eyes slowly. I winced. I traced my fingers over my skin, feeling an IV in my arm. "Don't try to move."

Mercy gently squeezed my shoulder. I groaned, pressing my head back into the pillows. I reached over with my free arm, grabbing her wrist and holding it against me.

     "Are you okay?"


     "You look out of it." She withdrew herself to return to her notes on a tablet, "You're vitals are stabilizing. Granted it's a slow process, but it's progress nonetheless. 

     "Ngh, my head..." I struggled to sit up, rubbing my head to find bandages wrapped around my head, "What...happened?"

     "Well, you've been in coma for about two months now."

My eyes widened, "Two...months?" Dr. Ziegler nodded, "But...that doesn't make sense. Moira, the was a trap and-!"

     "(Y/N), tell me. What day do you believe it to be?"

    "I-I don't know. June, something?"

She handed me her phone, opening the calendar to show me the current time period. It said August, only confirming her earlier statement.

     "So that means...w-where's Gabe?"

     "Really?" She chuckled, "I'm surprised you haven't noticed him, of all people."

I looked over her shoulder as she stepped to the side. Low and behold, Gabe was slouched over in a chair, quietly snoring. 

     "How long, has he been like that?"

     "Two months," Angela explained. "He's refused to move, only doing so to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. Speaking of eating, he hasn't eaten a proper meal either. Only granola bars and cereal."

     "G-Gabriel?" I called out for him but he didn't stir, "What Moira?"

Angela tapped her stylus against her lip, "I don't know, can't really say. When her attack hit you, Reyes here went ballistic. They both vanished, and he didn't come back until three days later. He won't talk about what happened, either."

I looked over at him. He was still clad in his heavy armor, except his gauntlets and boots were thrown aside.

     "I'll be back in about an hour to check on you," she explained. "Until then, rest up. And the more I think about it, you better say something if he wakes up."

She walked out, the door sliding close with a press of a button. I turned back to the man in the chair and sighed. "Wake up..."

After a few minutes, he stirred. He slowly sat up, rubbing his hand over his face before making eye contact.

     "(Y/N)..." It seemed to take him a moment of blinking to realize who I was, "You're awake."

     "So are you," I said nervously, turning to look at his mask, which was face down on the table beside him.

     "How are you feeling."


We both fell silent. My fingers brushed over the sheets, blindly clutching them tightly. I pulled the blanket to my face, shaking my head quietly, and praying that he wouldn't notice my trembling shoulders. The atmosphere just felt dark and heavy.

I wiped my eyes beneath the covers. I heard the chair scoot back, screeching as its legs scraped the ground. I slowly lowered the blankets, only to find Gabriel standing over me at my bedside. 

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