Chapter 30: Pinned

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     "Ana!!" My voice broke the silence of the night as I rushed outside, "Ana?"

I looked around the garden and sighed, "Jesse! Ana! Hey, Genji!" I turned around when I Jesse's foots behind me. He was bent over, trying to catch his breath.

     "Jesus, (Y/N), can't ya slow down?"

     "Jesse!" I slapped his shoulder and he flinched, "Where's Ana?"

     "I dunno, I thought-!"

He threw a hand over my mouth as the bushes rustled. "Shh," he placed a finger over his lips. I gripped his arm, half confused and half annoyed. 

I gasped as Genji stumbled out from the bushes. The green light of his armor flickered, and a patch of his visor was cracked. 

     "Genji?" Jesse sighed, "What the hell are you-?"

     "Go," Genji stammered. "Get out of here! She knows, she knows we're here."

     "Wait? Who knows-?"

     "It's been a while, Jesse dear."

I closed my eyes. I suddenly felt sick, and Jesse seemed to notice this, as he put an arm under mine to support me. I heard the sounds of combat boots getting closer. "What are you doin' here, doc?"

     "You really haven't changed, have you?"

I shivered as I felt the familiar touch of mist graze my elbow. "It was a trap," Genji murmured, falling to one knee.

     "So, the ninja's just as smart as I remember." Moira purred, "Very good, very good."

I looked up, darting my eyes to the side as Reaper walked past me. "Where's Ana?" I mouthed to Genji.

He shrugged, his eyes dark. "You know, I really expected you to be smarter than this." I tried to pull away as she dragged one of her nails beneath my chin.

I narrowed my eyes, grunting as she pinched my cheek. "Wait, you didn't really think you'd get away with me, did you?"

None of us answered. "Really, how did you expect to break into an event hosted by Talon, and leave unscathed?"

     "She has a point," Jesse grumbled, shoulders sagging. 

I hadn't taken my eyes off Reaper. He stood in front of me, back turned while he towered over Genji. 

     "What did you do to him?" I grumbled.

I flinched as she leaned forward, smiling innocently. "Don't worry about it, dear." I wanted to protest, but I knew better.

I jumped suddenly as Jesse fell face forward beside me. "J-Jess!?" I turned to see Genji stiffen before doing the same.

     "What did you do?" I narrowed my eyes but Moira just shrugged.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sniper hidden away on a ledge. "Shit," I cursed under my breath. "You filthy-!"

     "Goodnight, Lieutenant."

I winced, a hot pain searing through my neck for a few seconds. I grabbed my neck before pulling a syringe out from my skin. A tranquilizer. 

     "Damn you," I hissed between my teeth.

I staggered forward, my vision beginning to blur. I reached my hand towards her, but she had already turned her back on me.

     "Why?" I croaked, "What's...the point?"

Moira didn't answer for a moment before sighing, "I called Overwatch my home. But in the end, I was wrong."

     "Wrong? A-About...what?" I blinked rapidly, my skin going pale as the blood seemed to leave my head.

     "You all abandon me. Branded me a traitor, said my work ethic was...inexcusable." She scoffed, "Jack left me to die, he knew what was he doing."

I let myself fall onto one knee, holding my cloudy head. "Reyes, didn't do anything. And you? I knew you never liked my presence."

     "What does that...even have to do, with-?" I couldn't finish my sentence.

     "Sleep well, (Y/N) (L/N)."

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