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Inej pulled her leg up straight against her body, huffing out a casual breath. She let it down and did the same to the other leg, looking at her reflection in the mirror to keep her balance. She bent down at the waist, touching her toes. Standing slowly she rolled her neck. Inej walked over to her phone and turned on her song, slowly starting her dance. She closed her eyes and let the music flood her veins control her body. Inej fluidly moved from dance move to dance move, her stress falling from her shoulders with each beat, each spin, every single movement. Inej heard the door open and stopped, opening her eyes.

"You're getting really good at that dance 'Nej," commented a voice. Inej looked over her shoulder at the figure.

"You messed up my flow," she shrugged, not taking the compliment. She moved over to her phone and turned off the music. The figure walked over to her.

"What are you here for Kuwei?" Inej asked, silently reaching out and lacing their fingers together. He looked around the room, and the silent haven that was hers and said,

"I got a call from a man named Per Haskell, he said he knew you." Inej felt a little surprise hit her.

"Haskell? What did he want?" Kuwei shrugged.

"Something about endorsing your performance, and that you immediately needed to call him about some stray crow. Whatever that means." Inej quickly grabbed her phone and kissed his cheek.

"Please grab my bag and tell Mrs. Ven the room is open now." Inej went to leave but Kuwei caught her arm.

"Is everything all right?" His golden eyes scanned her face quickly. Inej kissed him quickly.

"Everything is fine." She left the room and walked down to a deserted room, wanting to be alone for this call. Whatever it is, it seems like it must be bad if he was using their code name for Kaz. She called Haskell quickly.

"What's wrong with Kaz Haskell?"

"Well it's a pleasure talking to you again too Inej," he drawled, sounding slightly hungover. Inej rolled her eyes, she just wanted an answer, her heart hammering in her chest.

"Kaz is a barrel boss as you know. But he's dragged Wylan into the deal, and it's with Tante Heleen. When you come home to do your performance, please, help me help Wylan, and Kaz. He might be too far gone though. He hasn't been the same since you stopped visiting." Inej's heart dropped, he'd dragged poor little Wy into his scheming.

"Yes, I'll help, but not at the expense of someone's life. Never again will I be a part of such a thing." Haskell cleared his throat.

"Of course. Never again."

Hello my little reader peoples! i should be asleep, I have school tomorrow, but who cares! So I know it's a short thing, but I wanted to get it out. Hope you all like it, and please pardon any mistakes. Please vote and comment, means a lot. Thanks peeps!


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