Sad Little Wy

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Jesper hated when Wylan was like this. Jesper, Wylan, Tristan, and Lihvia were eating dinner, and Wylan was quiet, just pushing his food around on the plate. 

"What's wrong with dad?" Lihvia asked him, and Jesper gave her a close-lipped smile.  Lihvia was ten and noticed the little things, like the new frown lines marring Jesper's face.  Tristan was the complete opposite, and he was currently stuffing his face so he could go out and play with Aran.

"Nothing Lihv, everything's fine," Jesper assured.  Wylan looked at Jesper from the other side of the table.  Purple smudges were like smears of paint beneath his eyes. Wylan had been working extra hard to learn to read the past few months, to no avail.  Tristan gulped down his milk and smacked his lips, declaring,

"I'm done da!"  Jesper looked over at his plate.  It was true, the young eight year old had finished his food and milk.

"You're excuses, you too Lihvia.  Both of you be back here by eight."  Tristan scampered off, but Lihvia groaned.

"I don't want to go!"

"Do as your father told you Lihvia," ordered Wylan, coming out of his cocoon of silence.  Lihvia looked over at Wylan and stood, leaving slowly.  As if she could sense Wylan was in no mood to be tested.  Jesper held Wylan's gaze for a few moments before standing.

"I'm leaving, you stay here alone as long as you want."  Jesper's voice was bitter, and he couldn't stop it from being so.  Wylan had been so withdrawn and it worries him, along with angering him when he didn't even try to assure the children he wasn't sick, he hardly payed them any attention any more.
Jesper stood, leaving the room, ringing the bell on the way out for a maid to come clear the table.  Wylan didn't even try to hold him back and Jesper shook his head, climbing the stairs to their room and slamming the door.  The slam rattled the house, but even then Wylan didn't call up to ask if he was okay like he used to.  Jesper flopped onto the bed, looking at the glass case that held his revolvers, his first lovers. 
A knock on his door.

"Come in."  Wylan walked in and Jesper sat up, watching the now-merchant sit down beside him.  He silently took Jesper's hand and held their conjoined hands down on his lap.  Jesper dipped down and grabbed Wylan's chin with his thumb and forefinger, turning him to face him.

"What is it?" Wylan's voice was so hollow, and he was so thin. 

"What's wrong Wy?"  Wylan's eyes searched his face.

"I can't do it," he said, voice cracking.  Jesper slid his hand down and behind Wylan's neck. 

"Of course you can darling."  Wylan shook his head.

"I can't Jes.  It's impossible.  I can't even spell my own name."  Tears shone in Wylan's eyes and Jesper leaned forwards, kissing his jaw, and then the shell of his ear, then his lips.

"You're perfect the way you are Wy.  I didn't fall in love with a ghostly reader, I fell in love with a beautiful, smart, creative little curly-haired boy who drove a getaway car," smiled Jesper.  Wylan smiled, and then kissed Jesper back.  They were going to be okay.

Hey guys!  At battle of the books, so can't talk but hope you liked it!  Please pardon any mistakes and comment and vote!


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