Gun Shot

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Jesper slowly inched his hands to the back of his waistband, where his two revolvers hung vigilant.  Jan pointed the gun at Jesper.

"Stop moving!" He screamed.  Jesper froze.  So Kaz hasn't been lying. 

"Dad-please.  You don't have to do this.  Put down the in and let's talk about this."  Wylan braves a step forward and Jan's finger pressed slightly on the trigger.

"Not another step or I shoot him."  Wylan didn't let his fear show.

"You won't actually shoot him.  Dad, I know you.  I'm sorry you had to go to jail, but look-I've kept up business even in the first year of our family's disgracing.  Everything will be fine.  Let me help you."  The sweat pouring down Jan's brow was copious, and his left eye twitched. 

"Put. Down. The. Gun."  Jan's grip faltered and Wylan lunged, grabbing for the gun.  Jan shouted and a gun shot filled Wylan's ears.  His body connected with his father's and Wylan wrestled for the gun.  Jan had the look of a snarling, rabid dog on his face and in a moment he was on top of his wiry son, gun pointed between his eyes.

"You took everything from me."  Wylan struggled against the knees pressing into his arms, trying to bat the gun away.

"Now I'm going to shoot you and finish the job on your husband.  Then I'll go shoot your daughter too." 

"Why are you doing this?"  Wylan heard Jesper groaned and a little tension released from his shoulders.  What was alive for now.  Jan smiled, sliding his finger from the side of the gun down to the trigger.

"Business, dear son." 

A gun shot had blood splattering everywhere.

Heyyyy!! So I know I haven't been writing a lot, but I haven't been inspired.  I would write more, but I have to go to school now!  Love you all and thanks for reading!  Please go check out my friend JuneinWinter !

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