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*Just a small text thing on the old crow's text chat*

Kaz: Nina got in a car crash

Wylan: What?

Kaz: She got in a car crash

Wylan: That was a rhetorical question

Jesper: How do you know?

Kaz: I was there when it happened.  I was driving behind her.

Jesper: How long ago?

Kaz: Two hours?? Ish

Jesper: Holy shit.  I hope she's okay

Kaz: *shrugs* She'll live

Wylan: Thank Ghezen

Kaz: She ran right into a building, asleep at the wheel I'm guessing.  Or drinking?  I don't think Nina drinks

Jesper: No

Wylan: Not much at least


Kaz: Yes.  I already said that.


Kaz: Then go pray to all your damn saint Ghafa

Inej: Kaz....  Is something wrong?

Kaz: No.  But something seems to be wrong with Nina.  Maybe if her best friend had stayed, or moved back, she wouldn't be so depressed

Inej: Well IM sorry that I got a job and a LIFE

Kaz: Real friends help other friends, and I have a f-ing job.

Inej: What? Dealing drugs?  Swindling Wy's money? 

Kaz: If you had stayed around you would know

Inej: My life is here!

Kaz: And it was with us Ghafa.  Make a decision. You're either our friend or you aren't.

Inej: Kaz- you can't give me an ultimatum

Kaz: Whatever.  I'm here at the hospital with her.  I'll give you guys a report later.

Inej: What hospital?  So I can call.

Kaz: I'm not telling you.  A real friend would be here and know.

Inej: I can't be there

Kaz: Then I guess you aren't a real friend

Inej: You're such an ass.

Kaz: I don't care what you think, I don't care about you anymore.  You're opinion holds no stock

Inej: .......

Inej: Then I guess we aren't friends anymore

Kaz: Our friendship died the day you left

Inej: I never liked you anyway.


Hey guys! So, again, on my phone.  This didn't come out to well, I hope it was okay when you read it.  Just a short fling.  Please pardon any spelling mistakes. Eagerly awaiting your votes and comments!


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