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Nina's footsteps reverberated throughout her whole body, and she panted wetly, racing past the crowds of Ketterdam. Kaz, Kaz, Kaz.  She had to get to him.  The sun on her back and her power thrumming in her veins Nina wasted a precious moment to stop, tip her head up to the sun, and smile.  Smile like never again would she smile.  And she probably wouldn't after what was about to go down in a few hours.  A laugh bubbled against her lips and a part of her mind whispered, You're insane.  Shaking her head to relieve the weight of that thought Nina continued on her way through the city.  The refreshing, calming smell of smoke–as ironic as that sounded–reminded her of home, and as she rounded a corner a sudden pain slashed through her whole being.  If she turned left and jogged fifteen more minutes taking some turns, she'd be back at Matty's house.  Balling her fists up, the girl closed her eyes.  To anyone she looked like she was holding her breath and, unbeknowst to the grief-stricken Nina, mother's steered their children away from her, as she looked like a mental patient off her meds.

Opening her eyes and taking in a shuddering breath with renewed strength she prowled on, even more determined than ever before to find Kaz.

Hey guys!  So I'm super sorry I haven't be updating (not that you care for this crap anyways lol).  I promise to start updating more and stuff.  Hope you all have been good and had good holidays!


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