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Hey guys. This is no joke going to be so short. I freaking need SLEEP, but I want to do one last thing. So yeah, really short, here goes...

Kaz shot up in bed, sweat dripping down his face and down his back. He looked around at the shadows, and could almost feel the cold, pointed claw of the one of his nightmare monster's reach forward and drag the claw down his back, right over his spine. Kaz scrambled out of bed, turning on all the lights in his room as fast as he could. His breathing was ragged and he could still feel the presence of something in his room. With growing horror, he turned around, and released a relieved breath that no old haunts had decided to appear.  No visions or memories to force him to the pills cabinet...

"How fitful you sleep Kaz," Tante Heleen slowly slid up into a standing position and walked over to him, spider-walking her fingers up his chest, her voice a bedroom purr, "I bet I could help with that." Kaz's upper lip curled, and he shook his head.

"Disgusting. I don't want your services. What the hell are you here for Heleen?" Kaz calmed the anger telling him to break her fingers. Tante Heleen wore black pants and a blue blouse with black pumps, her diamond necklace so big Kaz could feel his fingers itching to steal it. Resisting the urge he walked over to his bed, grabbing his shirt and pulling it on. She watched him calmly, his rejection not fazing her.

"Just come with me." Kaz was surprised that he pulled on shoes and actually followed her out of the window, into the cold, crisp darkness that was the autumn night.

Hello guys! So, on my phone, beneath the covers of my bed. So please pardon any spelling mistakes and this crappy like 240 word chapter thingy. Thanks for reading and all the voters and commenters! But I know there's more than just one person reading this, so it would mean the world to me if y'all could comment, not only on this as it's tiny, but this book in general. I will love you forever if you do❤️. Anyway, please vote and comment, night!


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