The Ghost of Matthias

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Nina moaned into her pillow, crying. Her tears had soaked the pillow multiple times already. Matthias was dead. That's what they said. He had left her in this cruel world by herself. Nina felt her mother reach out to touch her shoulder and Nina recoiled, well, as much as she could with all the needles sticking in her.

"Nina, honey. Please, stop crying." Her mother had been pleading her for hours. Hating having to relive this moment.

"But he was shot, Mom. And the man that did it is just in jail. He should die." Nina banged her fist into the bed, screaming. As her heart level jumped up the doctor rushed in a few seconds later. Nina's mother was trying to quiet her but she was in a rage, screaming and crying and ripping the needles out of her body. Nina stood on weak legs.

"Nina, calm down baby." Nina turned raging eyes on her mother.

"He is dead." And then a wave of power swept through the whole hospital.

(A few hours later)

Nina struggled against the nurses that were gripping her arms tightly and leading her to a room.

"Let go you beasts!" she shrieked. People watched as they dragged her through the halls of the new 'hospital' the doctor had sent her too. After she had killed–almost killed– all those people in the hospital. Nina knew well enough where she was going and thrashed against it. Against the force that was tearing her life apart. Her best friend gone, and boyfriend. Everything against her. As she was thrown into a room and the door shut Nina hurled her weak body at the door. Which was steel.

"Let me out you beasts! Let. Me. Out!" Nina beat at the door until sobs racked her body. Hands bloody and her arms hardly bandaged from where she'd been brusquely bandaged before coming here.

"You aren't getting out anytime soon. Trust me. I've been here for years, and nothing has changed." Nina turned around. A woman sat in the corner, hugging her legs to her chest, eyes closed. As she opened them Nina beheld the purest blue she had ever seen.

"I will not give up," sniffled Nina, resting her head against the cool door. The woman shrugged.

"Suit yourself. But you are ruined. Your family will not want your shadow on them. Believe me, I know." The woman's eyes darkened. She wore a long grey jacket and she stretched out her legs, pulling the jacket tighter around herself. Nina cocked her head.

"What did you do?" The woman looked up at her.


"Them who?"

"The ghosts." Nina shook her head.

"Ghosts aren't real." The woman snorted.

"When you see them all the time you realize just how haunted people are. You have a ghost with you now." Nina jumped up, looking around wildly. Matthias, oh, she needed him now. She wanted to hold him and cry and make sure he stayed with her.

"What do they look like?"

"Tall, strong, and blonde."

"Matthias," Nina chocked out, sliding back down to the floor.

"Yes. He was bullet holes in him." The woman's brow scrunched and she suddenly squeezed her eyes shut.

"Don't look!" she screamed. Nina looked around, nothing was there.

"He's bleeding, dying all over again!" the woman cried out. Nina once more glanced at thin air. This woman was crazy. No matter what anyone thought, she wasn't like her. No, she was not crazy. She refused to believe it.

Yet still later in the night, she found herself chattering about him, to him. As if he could hear her. As if he were alive.

Hey guys! Just a quick thing. In case you didn't catch on she's in an institution. Hope you liked it. Please pardon mistakes and vote! Also, comment!


P.S. I know that's not an accurate depiction of an institution and is a 'media-based' one. I just decided to make it like this because it makes the story better. Sorry for all you fact-sticklers.

P.P.S. Can any of you guess who the woman is?

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